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Martial Arts


Submitted By CoachJ
Words 1202
Pages 5
Christians and Martial Arts

Disclaimer: The views expressed below are those of Brother J Amador and his Kempo System he practices and teaches privately in his home. In no way, do his views represent any other Martial Arts Systems, Dojo’s, Academies, or Associations. Being or professing a Christian is not required for membership in his association called Christian Black Belt Society (CBBS). However, Goshin Budo Kempo Jujitsu is a true self-defense school as well as a Christian outreach ministry.

As Christians, we are called to take up the whole armor of God, (Eph 6; 13). The sword of the Spirit is the word of God. Kempo provides the skills necessary for you to protect yourself, family and friends from physical harm. All three elements combined would therefore provide for a protective barrier between you and the spiritual forces of evil, defense of the faith through use of God’s word and protection from physical harm through understanding and applying Kempo principles.

The following exerts are from Ron Rhodes "Complete Book of Bible Answers: Answers to the Tough Questions". As a Christian, these exerts provide a basis for defending yourself, family and friends before and during a physical attack.

Jesus is well known for His continued teaching on love, forgiveness, and "turning the other cheek." It is therefore surprising to find Jesus advising the disciples to buy a sword in Luke 22:36: "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Did Jesus in this verse advocate the use of a sword for self-defense purposes?

This is an issue over which Christians have vehemently disagreed for many centuries. Following is a summary of the two basic views of how Christians have interpreted Jesus on this issue.


Christian pacifists believe it is always wrong to injure

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