Free Essay

Mary Key


Submitted By limava25
Words 5186
Pages 21
Perfil de la compañía
El 13 de Septiembre de 1963, Mary Kay Ash funda Mary Kay Inc., cumpliendo con su sueño de brindar a las mujeres la oportunidad de realizarse profesional y económicamente, sin descuidar su dedicación por la familia.

La Compañía se funda sobre importantes principios y valores, los cuales consisten en la Regla de Oro: "Tratar a los demás como deseas ser tratado", y la filosofía del balance de las prioridades de la vida, que son primero Dios, segundo la familia y tercero la Carrera.

Con más de 40 años, Mary Kay figura entre las Compañías más importantes de la industria cosmética, colocándose en Estados Unidos, como líder en la categoría de Cuidado Básico de la Piel y Maquillaje Glamour.

En la actualidad se cuenta con más de 1;600,000 Consultoras de Belleza Independientes localizadas en más de 30 mercados mundiales.

En México, Mary Kay inicia sus operaciones un 13 de Diciembre de 1988 en la ciudad de Monterrey, Nuevo León; Mary Kay Cosmetics de México S.A. de C.V. se ha distinguido entre las subsidiarias internacionales por tener el liderazgo en ventas e iniciación.

Nuestra Fuerza de Ventas está conformada por más de 175,000 Consultoras de Belleza Independientes en la República Mexicana.

Vida y legado
A lo largo de la historia, han existido muchos líderes de negocio exitosos, pero ninguno tan especial como la legendaria Mary Kay Ash, fundadora de Mary Kay Inc. A pesar de que esta Presidenta Emérita falleció en el 2001, sus palabras sabias y ejemplos de vida continúan sirviendo de inspiración y siguen siendo una fuente de aliento y esperanza alrededor del mundo. Una de las pocas mujeres en el mundo de los negocios ganadoras del Premio Horatio Alger, Mary Kay Ash dejó una huella indeleble en el mundo de los negocios…

2004: Mary Kay recibe el premio póstumo Humanitarian Rose en el Palacio de Kensington en Londres, Inglaterra, por la labor que inspiró a través de su Fundación y por el impacto que tuvo en la vida de la mujer alrededor del mundo. 2003: Mary Kay recibe el reconocimiento póstumo como la empresaria más destacada en la historia de Estados Unidos por Baylor University. 2001: Premio Women's Advocacy Award, Legal Services of North Texas Inc. Reseña de Mary Kay en el libro: What's Next? Women Redefining Their Dreams in the Prime of Life, por Rena Pederson . Aparece en el artículo: Where Are They Now? en la edición de septiembre de Texas Monthly. Mary Kay es mencionada en el libro: The Very Best Opportunity for Women, de Angela L. Moore y Lisa Stringfellow. Incluyen a Mary Kay en la revista Feminine Fortunes: Women of the Next Millennium, una publicación anual que reconoce los logros de mujeres profesionales. 2000: Reconocen a Mary Kay como la mujer de mayor influencia en los negocios durante el siglo XX en Lifetime Television Online
La Fundación Caritativa Mary Kay Ash amplía su misión para abarcar programas comprometidos a la prevención de la violencia contra la mujer

Mary Kay es una de 39 mujeres estadounidenses en la sección Unforgettable Women en The Women's Moseum: An Institute for the Future. Aparece imagen de Mary Kay en la edición de agosto de Dallas Woman como una de sus Campeonas del Comercio

Mary Kay aparece en el libro: 100 Christian Women Who Changed the 20th. Century, por Helen Kooiman Hosier. Primera plana en la publicación The Godly Business Woman, edición de julio/agosto 2000

• Recibió el premio Women of the Century de la Cámara de Comercio de la Mujer de Texas, en honor a las 100 mujeres de mayor influencia del siglo

• Mary Kay es denominada Salesman of the Century en la edición de diciembre de la revista Texas Monthly en la que aparecen tejanos que ayudaron a determinar el futuro del estado durante el siglo pasado

• Aparece su perfil como uno de los 20 perfiles del libro Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Times, siendo ella la única mujer líder en los negocios mencionada

• Se le otorgó un certificado de reconocimiento EPAcres del programa Green Lights de la agencia Enviromental Protection Agency (EPA) por las gestiones exitosas de la Compañía para prevenir la contaminación a través del uso de un sistema de alumbrado eléctrico que ahorra energía equivalente a la siembra de 100 acres de árboles

• Se le otorgó un certificado de reconocimiento de la ciudad de Dallas por las gestiones de la Compañía para ayudar a garantizar agua potable segura
• Mary Kay Ash apareció en una edición especial de coleccionistas de la publicación Women's Wear Daily como una de las seis personas que ayudaron a transformar el mundo de los negocios en los pasado 100 años
• Se creó la Fundación Caritativa Mary Kay Ash para subvencionar investigaciones innovadoras sobre los tipos de cáncer que afectan a la mujer y para proveer apoyo económico a organizaciones sin fines de lucro contra el cáncer para proveer educación y ayuda

• Reconocida como una de las Leyendas de Texas mediante el Legends of Texas Bridge project de Georgetown, Texas

• Ascendida al National Business Hall of Fame por Fortune Magazine y Junior Achievement

• Una de 20 empresarias con perfil en Forbes Greatest Business Stories of All Time
• Se publica el tercer libro You can Have It All, el cual alcanzó status de éxito de ventas durante su primera semana en el mercado

• Premio Pathfinder 1995 de la asociación National Association of Women Business Owners
• Recibió Premio Mención Honorífica por concientización y logros de la Junta de Patrocinadores del Mes nacional de la concientización sobre el cáncer de seno
• Se inauguró el Museo Mary Kay Ash, un tributo a 30 años de éxitos en las ventas directas

• Se inauguró el Mary Kay Ash/St. Paul Medical Center Mobile Cancer Screening Unit en Dallas

• Primera mujer en recibir el premio Kupfer Distinguished Executive Award, Texas A&M University

• Premio Dallas Mother of the Year, Dallas Can! Academy

• Premio Outstanding Texas Citizen, Texas Exchange Clubs
• Premio Living Leyend Award, Direct Selling Education Foundation
• Premio Outstanding Woman of the Year, Les Femmes du Monde
• Premio Outstanding Business Leader Award, Northwood Institute

• Premio National Family Business Award, Baylor University

• Premio Women of Achievemen Award, General Federation of Women's Clubs

• Premio Business Leader of the 90's Award, Association of Women Business Owners

• Premio filantrópico Individual Komen Award, Komen Foundation for the Advancement of Breast Cancer Research
• Premio Sovereign Fund Award otorgado por Kurt W. Simon (fundador y presidente) a "un ciudadano que se ha destacado por su gran servicio en beneficio de las libertades individuales en Estados Unidos"

• Premio First Annual National Sales Hall of Fame Award, Sales & Marketing Executives of Greater New York

• Premio Circle of Honor Award, Direct Selling Education Foundation
• Presidenta honoraria por un año del Texas Breast Screening Project

• Apareció en la serie del Instituto Smithsonian Great American Entrepreneur
• Premio Christian Excellence in Business Award, International Association of Women in Leadership

• Premio Churchwoman of the Year Award, Religious Heritage of America
• Premio Woman of the Year, Crystal Cathedral Christina Executive Women

• Premio Distinguished Woman Award, Northwood Institute

• Reconcoida por el Presidente Reagan por figurar entre las empresarias en la publicación National Federation of Independent Businesses Report

• Premio Texas Business Hall of Fame Award

• Premio Texas Women's Hall of Fame Award
• Premio Outstanding Women in Business in Dallas Award, Dallas Chamber of Commerce

• La número ocho en la lista The Savvy 60 de las empresas estadounidenses más destacadas dirigidas por mujeres

• La número 25 entre las mujeres de mayor influencia en los Estados Unidos en 1985, The World Almanac and Book of Facts
• Aparece en el libro: The 100 Best Companies to Work for in America

• Premio Women's Award of Achievement, Women's City Club de Cleveland, Ohio

• Warner Books publica el libro Mary Kay on People Management; estuvo 11 semanas en la lista: "libros más vendidos" del New York Times
• Premio Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University

• Mencionada como una de las "100 mujeres más destacadas de los Estados Unidos" por la publicación Ladies Home Journal

• Premio Outstanding Corporate Sales Executive, The Gallaghar Report
• Premio Distinguished Business Leadership Award, University of Texas, Arligton College of Business Administration and Advisory Council

• Premio Golden Achievement Award, Incentive Manufacturers Representatives Association
• Premio Business Award for Excellence in Community Service, Dallas Historical Society

• Premio Free Enterprise Award, San Fernando Valley Business and Professional Association y del Free Enterprise Award Committe

• Mary Kay por Mary Kay, publicado por Harper and Row

• Historia principal y foto de portada en el Saturday Evening Post
• Premio Golden Plate Award, American Academy of Achievement
• Historia transmitida en el programa 60 Minutes
• Premio Horatio Alger Distinquished American Citizen Award, Horatio Alger Association

• Premio Dale Carnegie Leadership Award por brindarle al Fuerza de ventas Mary Kay programas de desarrollo personal para lograr mayor crecimiento personal y profesional
• Premio Hall of Fame Award, Direct Selling Association

Sobre la actitud
La actitud según Mary Kay:
"No te limites. Muchas personas se ponen un límite en cuanto a lo que creen que pueden hacer. Puedes llegar tan lejos como tu mente te lo permita. Recuerda, aquello en lo que creas, lo puedes alcanzar".

"Detrás de cada fracaso, obstáculo o apuro de la vida se esconde una oportunidad. El éxito, muchas veces es la transformación de un fracaso. El problema más grande de contaminación ambiental que sufrimos hoy es el pesimismo. Elimina ese pensamiento negativo y confía en ti. Sustituye las palabras 'lo hago si puedo, yo quisiera, quizás' con 'yo puedo, yo lo haré, yo debo hacerlo'".

"¿Sabías qué puedes dar cualquier paso que soñaste y que puedes experimentar todas las alegrías que soñaste vivir? Llevas dentro de ti todo lo que soñaste ser. Debes convertirte en aquello que Dios quiso para ti. Está a tu alcance. Atrévete a lograr lo que soñaste y deja que este sea tu lema: Qué yo pueda lograrlo".

Ejemplo de Vida
Pocas personas han sabido dar como lo hizo nuestra querida Mary Kay Ash. Ella nos enseñó con su ejemplo que la mejor manera de encontrar la felicidad es ayudar a otros a encontrarla.

Es por ello que Mary Kay Cosmetics cuenta con una Filosofía basada en valores de los que emana la Misión de la Compañía: "Enriquecer la Vida de las Mujeres".

Nuestra fundadora estaba convencida de que la motivación, el reconocimiento y la Oportunidad de Negocio Independiente que ofrece la Compañía podía transformar a las mujeres e impulsarlas a lograr un mejor nivel de vida para ellas mismas y sus familias.

Lamentablemente, las estadísticas mencionan que una de cada dos mujeres en México han sido víctimas de violencia al menos una vez en su vida. La violencia física, emocional, sexual y económica destruye los sueños de las mujeres, a sus familias y, en ocasiones, sus propias vidas.

Una encuesta realizada, en el 2004, entre mujeres mexicanas mostró lo siguiente:

47% sufren algún tipo de violencia
Sólo el 5% pide ayuda a las autoridades
53.3 % son económicamente activas
38.4% sufren violencia emocional
29.3 % sufren de violencia por causas económicas
9.3% sufren violencia física
7.8% sufren violencia sexual

Dar, Amor y Esperanza
En diciembre de 2001, Mary Kay Cosmetics de México creó el Programa Dar, Amor y Esperanza con la finalidad de apoyar la lucha por la No Violencia hacia la Mujer.

En marzo de 2002, la Compañía dio a conocer el Programa Dar a la Fuerza de Ventas Independiente. Con la finalidad de recaudar fondos para apoyar al Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres en la Cruzada Nacional en Contra de la Violencia hacia la Mujer, se vendieron artículos promocionales con el logotipo del programa.

Mary Kay abre su corazón con el programa "DAR"
Ciudad de México. 11 de mayo de 2006. Como cada año Mary Kay Cosmetics de México celebró con un donativo el aniversario del nacimiento de su fundadora Mary Kay Ash.

A través del Programa "Dar, Amor y Esperanza", Mary Kay Cosmetics de México entregó a la Red Nacional de Refugios un donativo de 2 millones de pesos, con la finalidad de proveer recursos a 7 refugios que apoyan a mujeres afectadas por la violencia doméstica.

Durante una comida realizada en el Hotel W, la licenciada, Rosy Guerra, Directora de Mercadotecnia y Comunicaciones presentó a los medios de información los logros de este programa "Desde hace algunos años, Mary Kay inició un importante esfuerzo para cambiar la vida de mujeres víctimas de la violencia familiar, que hoy está dando frutos, y el cual hemos decidido compartir con ustedes, seguros de que -en conjunto- podemos lograr un impacto aún mayor en pro de una mejor calidad de vida para la mujer mexicana".

Ante el incremento acelerado de este problema, y fiel a su Misión: "Enriquecer la Vida de las Mujeres", Mary Kay México creó en diciembre de 2001 el Programa "Dar, Amor y Esperanza". En marzo de 2002, la Fuerza de Ventas Independiente de Mary Kay se unió a la causa recaudando fondos a través de la compra de artículos promocionales -creados por Mary Kay México- para apoyar a las mujeres afectadas por este problema.

Desde entonces, "DAR, Amor y Esperanza" se integró a los planes de acción del Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres en la Cruzada Nacional en Contra de la Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, iniciada por la licenciada Patricia Espinosa Torres, presidenta de este Instituto

Con la finalidad de aportar más recursos a esta causa, durante la comida se llevó a cabo el relanzamiento de la fragancia Tribute Mary Kay, a través de la cual, la Compañía dará a la comunidad en general la posibilidad de apoyar la No Violencia Hacia las Mujeres, mediante la compra de este producto.

De esta manera, además de que se continuará rindiendo un homenaje a Mary Kay Ash, con una fragancia que representa un tributo a su persona, se entregarán parte de las ganancias de la venta de este producto al Programa Dar.

"Los cambios positivos sólo requieren de tu voluntad para Dar a los demás; entre más seguido, mejor".

Mary Kay Ash

Nuestros productos

Cuidado de la piel

Contra el paso del tiempo
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|combinación ideal |
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|microexfoliación |
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|crema reafirmante ojos |
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|loción corporal reafirmante |
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|crema facial intensiva |
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|crema intensiva para ojos |
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|loción humectante normal |
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|loción humectante grasa |
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|3 en 1 normal |
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|jabón |
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|3 en 1 seca |
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|jabón 3 en 1 |
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|gel limpiador velocity |
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|suave f1 piel seca |
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|normal f2 piel normal |
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|profunda f3 piel grasa |
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|[|intensiva piel normal |[|intensiva piel grasa |[|intensiva f15 |[|extra hidratación |[|
|p| |p| |p| |p| |p|
|i| |i| |i| |i| |i|
|c| |c| |c| |c| |c|
|]| |]| |]| |]| |]|
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|c| |c| |c| |c| |c|
|]| |]| |]| |]| |]|
|[|gel sin aceite |[|extra emoliente de noche |[|enriquecida f1 |[|balanceadora f2 |[|
|p| |p| |p| |p| |p|
|i| |i| |i| |i| |i|
|c| |c| |c| |c| |c|
|]| |]| |]| |]| |]|
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|i| |i| | | | | | |
|c| |c| | | | | | |
|]| |]| | | | | | |
|[|acondicionadora f3 | | | | | | | |
|p| | | | | | | | |
|i| | | | | | | | |
|c| | | | | | | | |
|]| | | | | | | | |

Cuidado basico de la piel limpiadoras | |[pic][pic] | |[pic][pic] | |[pic][pic] |
|[|suave F1 piel seca |[|normal F2 piel normal |[|profunda F3 piel grasa |
|p| |p| |p| |
|i| |i| |i| |
|c| |c| |c| |
|]| |]| |]| |

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|[|humectante F1 piel seca |[|revitalizadora F2 piel normal |[|limpiadora F3 piel grasa |
|p| |p| |p| |
|i| |i| |i| |
|c| |c| |c| |
|]| |]| |]| |

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|[pic] |hidratante F1 piel seca |[pic] |purificadora F2 piel normal |[pic] |profunda F3 piel grasa |

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|humectante enriquecida F1 piel seca |
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|balanceadora de humedad F2 piel normal |
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|acondicionadora F3 piel grasa |
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Cuidado de ojos y labios
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|crema humectante para labios |
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|mascarilla exfoliante para labios |
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|reafirmante contorno de ojos |
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|intensiva contorno de ojos |
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|gel resfrescante para párpados |
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|desmaquillante de ojos sin aceite |
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|base intensiva para labios |
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Complementarios para la piel
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|loción facial matificante |
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|Limpiadora Extra Emoliente |
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|Extra Emoliente de Noche |
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|Sombras compactas iluminadoras |
|Destaca tus ojos con las sombras compactas para párpados MK Signature™ se deslizan suavemente como la seda y brindan una |
|estupenda cobertura de larga duración, no se acumulan en el pliegue del párpado. Aplica estos tonos en el hueso de la ceja. |
|Bamboo, Tropical Sun, Crystalline, Spun Silk, Moonstone, Goldenrod, Copper Beach, Sheer Pink, White Sand. |
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|bamboo |
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|copper beach |
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|crystalline |
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|goldenrod |
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|moonstone |
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|sheer pink |
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|spun silk |
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|tropical sun |
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|white sand |
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|Sombras compactas contorno |
|Destaca tus ojos con las sombras compactas para párpados MK Signature™ se deslizan suavemente como la seda y brindan una |
|estupenda cobertura de larga duración, no se acumulan en el pliegue del párpado. Estos tonos funcionan muy bien si se aplican |
|sobre todo el párpado. |
|Rose Mist, Hazelnut |
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|hazelnut |
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|rose mist |
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|Sombras compactas acentuadoras |
|Resalta a tus ojos con las sombras compactas para párpados MK Signature™. se deslizan suavemente como la seda y brindan una |
|estupenda cobertura de larga duración, no se acumulan en el pliegue del párpado. Aplica estos tonos en el pliegue de los ojos. |
|Cinnabar, Virtual Violet, Lucky Penny, Currant Craze, Vintage Gold, Gold Leaf, Sugarplum, Storm |
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|cinnabar |
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|currant craze |
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|gold leaf |
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|lucky penny |
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|storm |
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|sugarplum |
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|vintage gold |
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|virtual violet |
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|Sombras compactas duos |
|Resalta a tus ojos con las sombras compactas para párpados MK Signature™. se deslizan suavemente como la seda y brindan una |
|estupenda cobertura de larga duración, no se acumulan en el pliegue del párpado. Aplica estos tonos en el pliegue de los ojos. |
|Safari Sunset, Lagoon, Onyx, Fig, Jungle, Cotton Candy, Tooti Fruiti, Jade, Blue Moon |
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|blue moon |
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|cotton candy |
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|fig |
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|jade |
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|onyx |
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|safari sunset |
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|tooti fruti |
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Base para Sombras MK Signature™
[pic]Su fórmula a prueba de agua, ayuda a que las sombras para párpados se fijen perfectamente en su lugar por más tiempo, evitando que se acumulen en el pliegue del párpado.

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|Mascara para Pestañas de Máximo Desempeño MK Signature™ |
|Su exclusiva fórmula brinda los beneficios que deseas -pestañas gruesas, largas y voluminosas- durante todo el día. Disponible en|
|tonos Negro y Café Oscuro. |
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|Mascara Alargadora de Pestañas MK Signature™ |
|Su fórmula ligera, alarga y separa las pestañas, para obtener unas pestañas de apariencia natural. Esta mascara también penetra |
|en cada pestaña para nutrir, acondicionar y alargar instantáneamente. Disponible en tono Negro. |
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|Mascara para Pestañas a Prueba de Agua MK Signature™ |
|Esta fórmula probada por atletas de triatlón, crea la imagen de unas pestañas más largas y gruesas, además, es resistente al |
|agua. Es también a prueba de lágrimas, albercas, agua salada y humedad. Disponible en tono Negro. |
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[pic]Delineador Líquido para Ojos MK Signature™
Su fórmula de larga duración y resistente al agua que seca en segundos, brinda un color intenso que dura todo el día. Se aplica fácilmente gracias a su suave aplicador. Disponible en tono Negro.

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|Delineador para Cejas |
|Define tu estilo con nuestros tres tonos disponibles |
|Chestnut, Soft Black, Soft Auburn |
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|chestnut |
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|soft black |
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|soft auburn |
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|Brillo labial |
|El brillo labial labial MK Signature™ se desliza suavemente y deja los labios humectados. Úsalo solo o sobre tu lápiz labial MK |
|Signature™ favorito. |
|Pink Peral, Cranberry, Cocoa Creme, Pink Allure, Beach Bronze, Pink Diamonds, Tiger Lily, Natural, Cream & Sugar |
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|beach bronze |
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|cocoa creme |
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|cranberry |
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|natural |
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|pink allure |
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|pink diamond |
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|pink pearl |
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|tiger lily |
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|Chocolates |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Amber Suede, Downtown Brown, Gingerbread |
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|amber suede |
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|downtown brown |
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|gingerbread |
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|Ciruelas |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Apple Berry, Black Cherry, Strike-A-Pose Rose, Whipped Berries |
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|apple berry |
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|blackberry cherry |
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|strike -a-pose rose |
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|whipped berries |
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|Metálicos |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Garnetfrost, Mocha Freeze, Pink Shimmer, Gold Dust |
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|gold dust |
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|mocha freeze |
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|pink shimmer |
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|Naranjas |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Copper Mine, Sunburst, Subset, Sweet Nectar |
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|sun burst |
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|sunset |
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|sweet nectar |
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|Neutros |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Apricot Glaze, Toffee, Shell, Raisinberry, Frosted Rose |
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|apricot glaze |
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|frosted rose |
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|raisberry |
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|shell |
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|toffee |
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|Rojos |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Red Salsa, Redwood |
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|red salsa |
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|redwood |
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|Rosas |
|La fórmula de larga duración y cobertura total del Lápiz labial MK Signature™. brinda un color fiel y duradero que no se |
|desvanece por horas. Además, se desliza suavemente y ayuda a mantener los labios humectados. Ideal para combinarlo con el |
|delineador labial y el brillo labial MK Signature™. |
|Dusty Rose, Paradise Pink, Magenta, Pink Satin, Pink Melon, Pink Daisy |
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|paradise pink |
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|Rubor Compacto |
|El rubor compacto MK Signature™ se aplica en forma uniforme y brinda un color de apariencia natural, transparente y de larga |
|duración. Este rubor luminoso es fácil de difuminar. Sunny Spice, Pink Sapphire, Cashmere, Camel, Desert Bloom, Nutmeg, Burnished|
|Bronze, Bronze Sands |
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|bronze sands |
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|Dúo de Rubor |
|El dúo de rubor MK Signature™ se aplica en forma uniforme y brinda un color de apariencia natural y transparente. Este rubor |
|luminoso es fácil de difuminar. |
|Aplica un solo tono o mezcla los dos tonos para un color especial que te encantará. |
|Mocha Blusa, Island Spice, Santa Fe Sun, Gold Canyon |
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|santa fe sun |
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|gold canyon |
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|island spice |
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|mocha blusa |
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|Correctores |
|¿Imperfecciones? Cúbrelas con el Corrector avanzado MK Signature™ Elige el Beige o Ivory, según sea tu tono de piel. Para |
|imperfecciones más notables como ojeras o manchas, elige el tono Yellow. |
|Yellow, Beige, Ivory |
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|Compacto |
|El polvo compacto MK Signature™ mantiene tu maquillaje fresco, controlando el exceso de brillo en el rostro. |
|Ivory , Beige , Light bronze |
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|Suelto |
|El polvo suelto MK Signature™ se aplica sobre la base y ayuda a controlar el brillo, manteniendo un aspecto radiante y de |
|frescura. |
|Ivory 2, Beige 1, Beige 2 |
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|Polvo Compacto Bronceador |
|Aplica el polvo compacto bronceador MK Signature™ donde desees obtener una fabuloso brillo de apariencia natural: en el puente de|
|tu nariz, la sien, los pómulos o los hombros. Este versátil tono se puede usar en todos los tonos de piel. |

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|En polvo cremoso |
|El maquillaje en polvo cremoso Mary Kay® se desliza sobre tu cutis como una crema para ocultar imperfecciones; al secarse da un |
|acabado en polvo. |
|Ivory 1,Ivory 2,Beige 1,Beige 3,Beige 4 |
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|Facial en polvo |
|El maquillaje facial en polvo Mary Kay® te brinda el acabado que deseas. Se puede aplicar en seco para una apariencia translúcida|
|y natural. También se puede usar como polvo compacto o con una esponja húmeda para cobertura mate. Su fórmula ligera y sin |
|aceites es para todo tipo de cutis. |
|Ivory 200, Beige 300, Beige 304, Beige 400 |
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|beige 400 |
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|Cobertura media |
|De consistencia ligera y larga duración, los maquillajes Mary Kay te ofrecen la cobertura que tu cutis necesita. Además, le |
|brindan fabulosos beneficios como el control del brillo facial, utiliza el maquillaje de cobertura media para la piel normal a |
|grasa. |
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|Ivory 100, Ivory 105, Ivory 200, Ivory 204 |
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|Beige 300, Beige 302, Beige 304, Beige 400, Beige 402, Beige 404 |
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|Bronze 500, Bronze 504, Bronze 507 |
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|beige 300 |
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|bronze 500 |
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|bronze 504 |
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|bronze 507 |
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|Cobertura completa |
|De consistencia ligera y larga duración, los maquillajes Mary Kay te ofrecen la cobertura que tu cutis necesita. Además, le |
|brindan fabulosos beneficios como el control del brillo facial, utiliza el maquillaje de cobertura completa para piel normal a |
|seca. |
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|Ivory 100, Ivory 105, Ivory 200, Ivory 204 |
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|Beige 300, Beige 302, Beige 304, Beige 400, Beige 402, Beige 404 |
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|Bronze 500, Bronze 504, Bronze 507 |
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Estuches y aplicadores
Estuche de Maquillaje Compacto
Al elegante Estuche de Maquillaje Compacto le puedes colocar el maquillaje facial en polvo o el maquillaje en polvo cremoso. Además tiene un área ventilada para poner tu esponja cosmética o la brocha redonda para polvo.
Estuche Color Compacto
A este estuche rellenable le caben dos sombras MK Signature™ o un rubor MK Signature™ más el aplicador.
Estuche Cosmético
Al estuche le caben tres sombras, un rubor y un lápiz labial, además una brocha para rubor y un aplicador/ difuminador de sombras.
Brocha para rubor
Para una aplicación natural y uniforme de rubor.
Esponja cosmética
Esponjas de alta calidad con textura microfina para aplicar la base, corrector o polvo
Aplicador/difuminador de sombra
Dos aplicadores de sombra en uno: una punta de esponja y un pincel difuminador.
Brocha retráctil para polvo suelto
La brocha retráctil para polvo suelto brinda una aplicación uniforme, por su diseño, es fácil de llevar a cualquier lugar.
Papelitos absorbentes de brillo
Papelillos 100 por ciento de lino, eliminan el brillo y mantienen el maquillaje con una apariencia fresca.
Brocha redonda para polvo
Sus cerdas suaves hacen muy fácil la aplicación del polvo.


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Transcript of Mary

...University Mary, Mother of Jesus Transcript Submitted To Dr. William Joseph Subash NBST 515 By Lisa Tipton Centerville, OH May 4, 2014 Lesson 1 History and life of Mary Introduction We will look into the history and life of Mary Mother of Jesus. Mary’s background is a key to understanding her as the human mother of the Son of God. Luke 2:6 says, “And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” Mary represented every human who needed deliverance. It was almost as if she carried the weight of the world while also carrying the salvation for that world. While many honor her and pray to her over praying to Christ, we will learn of the human side of Mary. I. History of Mary a. Came from the line of Nathan, son of David (Luke 3:31)Matt b. Cousin of Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist) c. Found favor with God (Luke 1:30) d. Engaged to Joseph (Matt. 1:18) e. She was a virgin while married to Joseph until after the birth of Jesus (Matt. 1:19, 25) f. She was young and poor when visited by the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:27) II. Prior to the Birth of Christ g. According to the authors of Matthew (Matt. 1:18-25) and Luke (Luke 1:26-38), Mary was a virgin h. Knew Scripture concerning a virgin giving birth (Matt. 1:23) i. Married to a man that listened to and followed God (Matt. 1:20) Conclusion We will learn of the background of Mary and her...

Words: 3150 - Pages: 13

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Analysis of Coppola's "The Conversation"

...Final Paper “We’ll be listening to you.” This phrase sparks the final unraveling of a man on the edge of his sanity in Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation. The heartbreaking last scene of this film encompasses nearly all the key themes of the tragic story. Through aspects of editing, cinematography, sound, and mise-en-scène the final sequence not only highlights Caul’s characteristics and his dramatic descent into desolation, but also emphasizes the audiences understanding of the pervasive nature of voyeurism, the destructive power of paranoia, and the illusion of security. The editing of the final scene, although perhaps the least notable of the four aspects, still plays an important role in heightening the tension of Caul’s downfall. The first half of the scene consists primarily of longer, steady cuts, allowing the tension to simmer before it explodes. It is not until Caul destroys his Virgin Mary statue that the pacing of the edits increase, along with the tempo and drama of the music, to emphasize Caul’s faster and faster decent into madness. By cutting quickly from Caul destroying one thing to another, in his search for any trace of a bug or surveillance device in his apartment, emphasizes his panic, which climaxes as he rips up his floorboards. At this point, Caul sits completely disheartened and beat, and the editing appropriately returns to a more steady, downtrodden pace. In addition to the editing accentuating the intensity of the scene, it also reminds the...

Words: 2514 - Pages: 11

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Virgin Of The Annunciation Essay

...The Virgin of the Annunciation by Bartolo di Fredi (c. 1388) depicts the monumental scene of Vrigin Mary informed by Archangle Gabriel of her conception of Christ. Besides Mary’s facial expression and graceful gestures, this very precise(singular) moment is dignified and enhanced by the arrangements of various formal elements.(such as…shape and line and ) (the material and the size)The work is painted on a wood panel, while the very nature of tempera on a piece of wood enables people to stare at it for a long time. Without glossy surface or prickly texture, the hard, smooth panel won’t irritate viewers and is rather comfortable and relaxing to look upon. The painting is flat with the church-like frame projects out. The frame is gilded to create an over all shinning effect around Virgin Mary, making the scene almost ceremonious. Moreover, the boundary of the painting and Mary’s halo are richly decorated with entwined and a little bit dented (embossed) thin golden band of patterns. With the ornate(dainty, exquisite) furnishings around the simple and plain figure, the general atmosphere is calming and sacred(holy devotional,blessed)....

Words: 644 - Pages: 3

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...New Bethel Song List: July 2012 1st Sunday P&W * Come on and Bless the Lord with me * Empty Me by William Murphy Adult Combined Choir * Processional: Jesus I’ll Never Forget by Bishop Carlton Pearson and the Azusa Choir * Prayer Response: Holy, Holy, Holy (Hymn 1st verse only) * Offering selection: Sunday Morning Medley (Smokie Norful and the AME 12th district choir) * Sermonic selection: I know I’ve Been Changed by Bishop Carlton Pearson and the Azusa Choir * Songs for Communion: At the Cross/Oh the Blood of Jesus (Hymns) 2nd Sunday P&W * Hallelujah by Tye Tribbett * I need you more by Kim Walker Male Choir * Processional: Harvest Time by John P. Kee * Prayer Response: He is Lord * Offering: Shackles by Darrell McFadden and The Disciples * Sermonic selection: Something About The Name Jesus by Kirk Franklin (featuring Rance Allen) 3rd Sunday P&W * Lord you are awesome by William Murphy * He Loves Us by Hillsong and Kim Walker Youth Choir: Annointed Ones For Christ * Processional: Brighter Day by Kirk Franklin * Prayer Response: Hallelujah * Offering selection: So Amazing by Tye Tribbett * Sermonic Selection (Children’s Choir): Everybody Clap Your Hands by Joshua’s Troop 4th Sunday: P&W * Praise on my mind by Pastor Charles Jenkins and the Chicago Crusade Choir * Never Be The Same by Shana Wilson (featuring Tasha Cobbs) Gospel Mass Choir * Processional:...

Words: 273 - Pages: 2

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Criminal Trail

...Women in art- A virtual tour Short Report 8 I decided to take a virtual tour of women in Ancient art. Women played a key role in history and it is very evidence in the artwork we have seen so far in class. Although I was unhappy with not being able to visit a museum in person, this assignment was still very educational and personal. I was on a mini vacation right in my own house. The Venus of Willendorf. My first stop was a look at the Venus of Willendorf. She is a statue of a woman about 4.3 inches tall. She was found in 1908. She is a Paleolithic figurine made from carved ivory, wood, and stone. She is the most famous of the Venus figurine during her time. At first glance you see a woman with features that are not pleasing to the eye. She has large breasts, large thighs, and a large stomach. She obviously is pregnant. She has no feet and her face is distorted. I think the face was distorted because they were symbols of fertility or mother goddess not necessary a human. Pregnant women today could defiantly relate to how she looks because most pregnant women may see themselves this way. The Venus of Willendorf was founded in lower Australia. One theory is these statues were meant to be carried. This could explain why archeologist believed where she was found was not the same place she was carved. The women during this period were just not cavewomen. They were inventors, religious leaders, and very good hunters. ...

Words: 892 - Pages: 4

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Different Types of Encryption understood by unauthorized readers.” (Dyson) Encryption can be thought as locking something valuable into a strong box with a key. Sensitive data is encrypted by using a key algorithm, which renders it unreadable without the knowledge of the key. Data encryption keys are determined at connect time between a connection and the computer on the other end. The use of data encryption can be initiated by a personal computer or by the server it’s connecting to. On these terms, “Encryption is the technology that makes E-COMMERCE possible because it underlies the security systems used to protect electronic financial transactions.” (Dyson) Similarly, Dan Boneh, Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, gives another definition for the term. “Encryption is a method for users to securely share data over an insecure network or storage server.” (Boneh, Sahai and Waters) Since there are many transactions people do every day such as online banking or online shopping, it is necessary to make sure that they are done safely with the use of Encryption. As a matter of fact, the applications of encryption are very important. First of all we have data protection. Here we are referring to files and email encryption. The data is protected in the hard disk in case a hacker gets into the system. However, if the person who has the key of the encryption to decode...

Words: 1201 - Pages: 5

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Future Innovations on Phones

...Summary: The number of illiterates in India is estimated to be over 400 million of which 75% live in rural areas. Of the literate population, a significant proportion lack basic vocational skills. India has world-class institutes of higher learning, such as the IITs, IIMs and medical colleges but the rural India still remain isolated to them. India’s most valuable intellectual capital migrates to western countries keeping gap in demand and supply of such intellectual capital in India, therefore we need to develop the equal opportunities for the isolated communities and enable them to access the elitist structure of Indian education. With the weak and tottering foundation India will not be able to achieve social and economic development The key challenge of India is to rapidly provide opportunities to the rural population to empower them with education and make them literate, and develop basic leadership and problem-solving skills. Have strong basic education foundation rural India will be able to raise productivity, entrepreneurship and material standards of living Here we would like to opt to do research into how into how provide solution to the critical issues of primary education in India through innovation strategy. As a part of research we will be meeting and collecting information from founders of NGO called “eVidyaloka (”. eVidyaloka is a not for profit organization registered under the Trusts Act, focuses on...

Words: 702 - Pages: 3

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Journey of the Self: Example Through Symobols

...Journey of the Self The road I’m traveling on I see as a dirt road through a light forest in the mountains of northern California. I’m not sure exactly where I am, but it is a bright day with some clouds and blue skies, but off to the distance I can see storm clouds. All I have with me is my backpack containing a notebook, a pen, a pair of gym shorts, a spare t-shirt, a pack of cigarettes with a lighter, a bottle of water and a couple of granola bars. In my pockets I have a cell phone with a dead battery, a pocketknife, and my wallet with five dollars and my I.D. inside. I’m walking, surrounded by trees of all types. There is a light breeze, but it’s quiet as I walk and look around. As I’m walking, the road is flat and somewhat narrow, but it is easy going for the most part, with random spots where the road becomes rocky and somewhat stressful, but it evens itself out and becomes smooth for a period of time again. I feel happy and serene, but exhausted at times and in need of a bit of rest, but I always continue and begin to walk again. As I’m walking, I come to a two-way fork in the road with a sign in the middle. The sign has two arrows with words printed on them. Each arrow is pointing in the opposite direction of the other. To the left I have the choice to walk to the city, while to the right I have the choice to walk to a small country town. After some thought and consideration of both of my choices, I eventually choose to head towards the Country. I’m not sure exactly...

Words: 2126 - Pages: 9

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What Is Honor?

...What is Honor? My understanding of the term honor. Honor is defined as a source of credit or distinction, and is associated with reverence, dignity, reputation, good name and a good sense of what is morally correct. The key part to honor is having respect for others and for you; the two must act together because without both, there is nothing. I strongly believe that reputation is hard to gain and easily lost. Think about this, every day thousands of planes fly somewhere and there is never any news about a successful landing, but if any of those flights crash, it is all over the news. This fact tells me that in order to keep one’s honor, one must maintain a set standard of excellence. It will only take one infraction to cause said person to forfeit one’s honor. Nicholas Boileau once said: “Honor is like a rugged island without a shore, once you have left it, you cannot return.” Honor is something in which is not obtained and sustained easily. One must have patience and study to become a person of integrity and goodwill. Honor is an everyday thing; obstacles trying to deter one from being honorable lay in life’s everyday path. Perseverance is a key to honor; one must fight the constant impeding objects in order to maintain the highest level of honor. The shore of an island is often looked at as something isolated and secluded yet has a certain charm about it. Honor is much like the shore in this sense. Honor must come from inside and resist being influenced by minor factors...

Words: 556 - Pages: 3

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Business Management

...David Srep Computer Literacy New Tech Update These three phones allow you to have the Unikey app. No more digging your pockets and looking for your keys. There a new app that you can get for the phones that are above this paragraph. This key is called the Unikey system, and it has some cool features that are actually kind of clever. The unikey app transmits a Bluetooth signal from the user iPhone, android, or blackberry smart phone, which is picked up by a paired unikey deadbolt lock as it is approached by a user. All the user has to do is walk up to the door and the phone has to be nearby the door. Next the user has to touch the outer surface of the lock, at which point the bolt will electronically withdraw. You can do the same thing when you leave the house. What I like about the Unikey system is that you can text someone the key to your house. This way your family member doesn’t have to wait until you get home. It gives you an option if you want that person have the key permanent or a one- time use. If you lose your phone you can deactivate the app from a computer and the unikey comes with a spare key. The unikey system is being sold for 199.00. It will be cool if they can make these apps for cars. I have car key 3 times and hand to pay 80 dollars for someone to get my key out the car. Source: Source:...

Words: 276 - Pages: 2

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...Cryptography Cryptography             Some data is very sensitive and therefore it has to be hidden away from parties who are not supposed to view it. In this age of computers, their capacity for transfer and retrieval of information may be exploited by other parties to gain access to confidential and potentially dangerous data. Therefore, measures have been taken to ensure that data is not accessed by others which is done by using several methods which, besides physical security, includes the use of encryption algorithms which are programs that change the way information looks by rendering it illegible. Data encryption is an important part of computing and, if done properly, can provide the user with means through which data can be protected from other parties. Encryption is done in many areas including end point devices such as computer terminals and servers which store important information. As such, data encryption has been applied in the military, banking sector, in businesses and other areas which require secure storage and transfer of data. Data encryption is simply the change of raw data or ordinary information referred to as plaintext into indecipherable material called cipher text. The data can then be stored or transferred securely since it cannot be read by another party. If the data is to be accessed, a cipher, which is the pair of algorithms that encrypts and decrypts data, is used to decrypt the data. The data can then be read and it is therefore accessible only...

Words: 1679 - Pages: 7

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Pfl Case Study

...Asia. product segments: Frozen savoury, Dessert, Fruit products customer segments: retailers (supermarkets), foodservice outlets (sporting venues or cafes), Petrol and Convenience Channel (Reliance BP sites) oversease markets: US market, Asia market Value chain: PFL doesn't sell directly to consumers. 2 What is the current life cycle position of the industry? (industry life cycle, and demonstrate why?) Maturity stage : The case mentioned that PFL has already achieved leadership in serveral markets. Besides, serveral other markets are very competitive. In addition, PFL is continuing to pursue conversion cost reduction, which is another character of maturity stage. So we conclude that this industry is in maturity stage. What are the key issues that will affect historical/future industry growth? What is their likely impact and the overall assessment of the industry’s future growth? (TEMPLES) Technology + The technology development, especially information systems and manufacuturing systems, will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this industry by enabling economies of scale and scope. So the smaller compititors who doesn't have strong cash flow to invest in the new technology, will be swept out. And the left competitors will grow market share by both further acquisitions and cost management. Economy + The potential growing sales in US and Asia may make the total industry grow by expanding to international markets. The global financial crisis (Case doesn't mention)...

Words: 932 - Pages: 4

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Flash Burn

...Ariel Martin October 16, 2013 Descriptive narration Flash Burn My dad was set on fire when the car backfired. He was in the process of getting his Jeep fixed. On this particular day, the project of choice was working on the carburetor. The process was simple, he would pour gas into the carb well my boyfriend Mat would turn the key over. They must have done this at least a dozen times. The last time it all went wrong. My dad poured the gas and Mat turned the key. A loud bang like a gun shoot startled me, but I did not expect to turn my head to see the most devastating thing. I looked over to where the bang was there were flames coming from under the hood. The bottle of gas my dad was holding was on fire. He was unsure where my son was so he didn’t want to throw the bottle. Instead he tried to shake the bottle that’s when it all went wrong. The gas splashed his face then the flames; he hit the floor stop, drop and roll. It didn’t work as he hit the floor the bottle of gas fell and he rolled right into it. Now his chest is on fire, he realized it’s not working he stands up and rips his shirt off and starts hitting his head to put the flames out. The smell of burning flesh and hair was all we could smell. The sight was heart breaking when he turned around; the skin that was left on his face was hanging. From the time the fire started to when he looked me in the eyes and asked how he looked had only been about a minute and a half. That fast I had to look my dad in his...

Words: 515 - Pages: 3