Premium Essay



Submitted By sandyan
Words 324
Pages 2
Question 1
Mission Statement
Elite Sports Management is a unique firm, which dedicates itself to providing managerial counsel, healthy career decisions, and financial security to professional athletes; while respecting the principles of integrity.
List of Core Values 1. Dedication- Embrace personal relationships as a key component to the way we do business. 2. Virtue- Encourage working towards worthy respectable goals. 3. Give back- Recognize the importance of contributing back to the community. 4. Greater good in mind- Dedicate ourselves to carrying the best interest of our client’s, protecting them in health and in injury. 5. Satisfaction- Develop satisfied customers.
Vision Statement
“Demonstrate to be the best sports management firm, while preserving our virtuous dedication in the process”

Question 2
“Differentiation” is the strategy Jerry is proposing for his new firm.
Jerry’s objective is to remodel the sports management standard practice, by incorporating the idea that personal relationship is the essence of client management. This according to Jerry is an important missing element in the sports management industry. Providing this attribute will distinguish Jerry’s new firm from competitors, as other management firms don’t hold the same quality in their values. In “The things we think and do not say”, Jerry states: Let's bring soul and character to what is already there. I propose that we recreate everything that we're currently about.
Question 3
“Task Significance” is the core job dimension proposed by Hackman and Oldham that Jerry Maguire sees as important, but missing at his current job at Sports Management International (SMI). This core job dimension, as explained in the textbook, “refers to whether a person’s job substantially affects other people’s work, health, or well-being”. Agents at SMI have become so caught

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