Premium Essay



Submitted By chikoon
Words 1220
Pages 5

Intermec's comprehensive Medallion Support ensures business continuity, worker productivity and protection of your technology investments.

Medallion Support offers a variety of programs and options to meet your business requirements

With Medallion support, you can choose from the Complete, Select, and Standard programs to get the amount of coverage and protection you need for your light, medium, and heavy product handling solutions. Medallion Support enables you to extend your coverage and lock in repair costs for the length of the agreement. With Medallion Support you have also have comprehensive telephone support and access to Intermec’s online Knowledge Central database for product information and support. When service is needed, you can make requests for a “Return Authorization” (RA) online with 24/7 access to a variety of reports and information including, status of devices submitted for repair, service history and inventory statistics. And, with any Medallion contract, return shipping is included at no charge. Every in-depot service also includes preventative maintenance, installation of the latest engineering updates and re-loading of the current factory software. Medallion Support is available in over 70 countries with global pricing and global standards of quality.

accidental damage, wear and tear, damaged accessories, product defects, failures and any damage sustained when the device is used as intended in the work environment. Medallion Complete also includes committed repair turnaround times, phone support and access to Intermec’s “Knowledge Central” online database with the latest product and application support information. With Medallion Complete, you can protect your investments and avoid costly operational downtime. Service Overview • Comprehensive coverage for accidental damage when used as intended in

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