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Medical Marijuana Argument Essay

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Medicine is rising within our world; many cures and treatments for chronic diseases are being discovered and put to test to give out to the ill. Cannabis is one of the numerous restorative plants that has been found to regard conditions, such as glaucoma, cancer therapy symptoms and many more. As wonderful as it sounds, this plant is federally illegal throughout the United States -except for the 28 states who have legalized it under certain conditions. If this plant can contribute to medicine why is it still illegal? Thus, cannabis should be legalized across the nation so to reveal its numerous obscure therapeutic advantages for a healthier society;
“The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic …show more content…
For instance, when marijuana was legalized medically and recreationally in Colorado back in January 2014, Cannabis became a billion dollar industry; most of the tax revenue is being used on infrastructures for the state. And although it is still being sold illegally, the amount of legal money that is being made cannot compared to the zero amount of dollars it produced decades ago. Medical cannabis can be a portal to the economy, but most importantly to the medicine world. Twenty eight states have shown that its legalization is helping many patients with their diseases even though it is under certain circumstances. Improved medical marijuana laws will help researchers study the drug's medicinal uses and better understand how it impacts the body; therefore its positive integrity into the laws and reclassification, can help save or at least improve the live of millions of people in the United

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