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Megan's Eulogy: How She Changed My Life

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Words 743
Pages 3
As Megan’s older sister I have witnessed her grow and change throughout her lifetime. She has changed from the shy, little girl she once was into the insightful, caring women she became. As her older sister we have had our share of fights and arguments but always worked them out. As Megan became ill she asked me to give the eulogy at her funeral because she knows I do not like to give speeches in front of large crowds. She has always been there to push me to do my best, and this was her last way at pushing me to do something that makes me nervous. Megan will be remembered as a loving sister, daughter, mother, teacher, and friend to all those around her.
Megan and I were only two years apart, which caused many fights throughout our childhood. When my parents brought Megan home from the hospital I was very disappointed because I believed they were bringing me home a puppy. Our grandma would always laugh and tell us about the mad, disappointed look I had on my face when they brought her home in that little car seat. The fights only got worse as we got older. When I was in my first couple years at Ball State, Megan and I would constantly fight when I would come home. Despite all the fighting when we were younger we slowly grew more fond of each other as we got older. We realized how important it was to get along with each …show more content…
Megan always had a close relationship with our grandma, and wanted to have that same relationship with her grandchildren. Megan would spend countless days and hours at our grandma’s house, and now her grandchildren were spending days and hours with her. She loved her grandchildren with her whole heart. Megan’s focus was her family, and she made sure they were all loved and safe. She would often call me and make plans with me, just to check in and see how I was doing. I’ll miss her phone calls, lunch dates, laugh, and

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