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Megans Law


Submitted By justice101
Words 263
Pages 2
Megan's Law arms the public with certain information on the whereabouts of dangerous sex offenders so that local communities may protect themselves and their children. The law also authorizes local law enforcement to notify the public about highrisk and serious sex offenders who reside in, are employed in, or frequent the community. Sex offenders are required to register with local law enforcement agencies within five working days released from a local jail or state prison, or completion of any alternate sentence. Sex offenders also must re-register every year within five working days of his or her birthday, relocation or changing of his or her name.

Sex offenders who are released from prison should have the same rights as any American citizen. Every sex offender should be allowed to his or her right to privacy and the freedom to realize his or her dreams.

Megan's Law is named after Megan Kanka, a seven-year0old who lived in Hamilton Township, New Jersey with her parents. On July 29,1994 Megan was raped and strangled to death by a twice-convicted sex offender who had been released from jail. Few days had gone by since the death of Megan, but already many frustrated, angry neighbors where collecting signatures in order to make Megan's Law credible. At the time Megan's Law was known as "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Crimes against Children (Jones 1). There voices were immediately heard and Megan's Law was passed. This required that states notify law enforcement officials and the community when a convicted sex offender move into an area.

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