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Mexican Mafia


Submitted By kiider
Words 712
Pages 3
Matt Quider
Criminal Justice
Library Research Paper
September 19th, 2012

The Mexican Mafia
The Mexican Mafia was formed in the late 1950’s within the California Department of corrections, and is now known as one of the most powerful prison gangs in the United States. The Mexican Mafia is well known for their Drug Trafficking, and for their ruthless style of murder. The Mexican Mafia often uses the number thirteen as gang identification, as it represents the thirteenth letter in the alphabet, the letter M. Most of the Mexican Mafia is located in California and Texas. In San Antonio, the Mexican Mafia is responsible for Ten percent of homicide rate (Dufresne, D. 2010. Top Ten Prison Gangs. Retrieved from
The Mexican Mafia is a gang that is only made up of roughly around one hundred members. Although the gang is small, they are well known for being powerful, and each member holding a significant responsibility with in the gang. Rene Enriquez; a well known Mexican Mafia crew leader, has said that, “ there are three parts of the gang, the Members, the Cabanaras, and the Surenos”.(Montgomery, M. (2012). Gangster Reveals Mexican Mafia Secrets. Retrieved from The Members are from the the state prisons, and are a very small group, but are known to be very powerful. They are from the western state prisons and the citizens of the United States. The Cabanaras are known to be “the soldiers” or “the backbone” of the gang. Enriquez says “ they are the doers, and they effectuate most of the Mexican Mafia in society and in prisons”.(Walker, R. 2012. The Debreifing of Rene Enriquez. Retreived from Quider-2 The Suenos are consider anybody from southern California who is Hispanic or who is apart of a street gang.
Through the debriefing of Enriquez, he says “although our

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