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Mexico Economic Crisis

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Overall, Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America after Brazil and is also an oil-exporting nation. Mexico realized that trade is one of the most important factor that driven Mexico economy, this country started free trade in a early time and continue participates lots of free trade agreements for decades. Based on the data that I have downloaded from work bank(2017), GDP per capita are: 7236.6 in 1990, 7277.6 in 1995, 8568.1 in 2000, 8706.1 in 2005 and 8861.5 in 2010. From that, we can see that economy develop in Mexico is increasing but modest in general.
Since 1994, Mexico participated NAFTA and thought that agreement would boost Mexico’s growth and economy development. However, the economy performance was not going …show more content…
Thailand currency value depreciation almost half also the foreign lost faith in Thailand. Based one Bosworth’s research(n.d.), the output had fell sharply in 1997 and 1998 then did not recover to its 1996 level until 2002. The impact of the financial crisis is very significant in services sector because services are largely oriented toward the domestic economy, In addition, also, there is a very sharp decline of output in the trade sector, which a large portion of industrial output is actual devoted to the export …show more content…
Especially in agriculture, manufacturing, services such as transportation or communications. But if we look at the past, we will notice that the economic history of Philippine was slow moving and economic integration. Because most of developing countries such as the Philippines relies heavily on trade and foreign direct investment, which can entirely determine the country’s economic situation (Parcon-Santos,n.d). Sometimes trade is a good thing because it can boost economy, otherwise, it may hurt native economy and slow down the whole economy development. In 1990s, Philippine did not develop well whether in domestic poverty level or economic policies. The average of GDP per capital was only around 1500.00 that was much lower than Mexico and Thailand and it did not increase significantly during 10 years. Population size increasing exceeds the speed of economy growing during 1990s. So the poverty rate in Philippine was higher than in neighboring ASEAN, which is Association of South East Asian Nations. It was a big issue that tended to be associated with low educations for those households and big family size. And higher income population live in urban, over half poor families lived in rural area in 1990s

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