Premium Essay

Mgt/311 Week4


Submitted By graffapm8
Words 1230
Pages 5
University of Phoenix Material

Team Strategy Plan

1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.

Strategy Strengths Weaknesses

Abilities Of Members Learning their Skills, Knowledge and abilities help staff better teams These abilities can set limits on what members can do and their effectiveness

Personalities of Members With the right meshing personalities a team will thrive. Significantly influences behavior, one bad apple can spoil the bunch.

Allocation of Roles Placing the Right people in the correct position for work will ensure productivity. Placing a great employee in the wrong position will lower production and moral.

Diversity of Members Diversity creates imagination and thought throughout the team. Too much diversity will drive wedges between employees and can promote turnover.

Size of the Team Small teams promote group effectiveness. Cohesiveness and mutual accountability decline, social loafing increases, and more people communicate less.

Member Preferences If it is an employee’s choice they will work harder. Individualization will play a role when an employee decides they do not belong in a group.

2. Identify the team formation strategy that is most suitable for Riordan Manufacturing, and provide the rationale for the decision. Your response should be at least 100 words.

For Riordan Manufacturing all of the variables that relate to how teams should be staffed will be taken into consideration however, a few will be taken into more consideration than others. For Riordan Manufacturing the Abilities of the members is above all the most important, because of the fact the manufacturing plant has several different jobs that require completely different skill sets to create the best team we will pick and choose the best from each skill set, this will also allocate the

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