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Submitted By michelleedw23
Words 736
Pages 3
Abortion and Teen Pregnancy. PSA.

*Nurse comes out*
Jessica Stones – Nurse Katherine
Hello Jessica, you’re here for your checkup is that right? – Nurse Katherine
Yes, I am – Jessica
Ok have a seat; I am going to take your temp. Plus I need you to urinate in the cup and please write your name on it when your done.- Katherine
Jessica …The doctor will see you now. – Nurse Katherine
(They walk into the exam room and the Nurse leaves and the doctor walks in)
Hello Jessica, are you here alone? – Dr. Smoot
Yes I am. – Jessica
Ok let me look at your chart and see what we’re doing today. – Dr. Smoot
(Pause and looks at chart)
So I see that the urine test has confirmed that you are indeed pregnant…(pause) hmmm… your chart says you are only16 years old…(pause looks at chart then stares at patient) is that correct? –Dr. Smoot
Yes ma’am. - Jessica
When was the last time you had your period? – Dr. Smoot
I don’t know (shrugs) I think like 6 weeks. - Jessica
Well if you have decided to keep the baby we have to prescribe prenatal pills right away and schedule you for an ultrasound and to hear the baby’s heartbeat– Dr. Smoot
Okay. - Jessica
(Jessica walks out)

Phone rings….
There’s something I have to tell you. Um. Well. I’ve…(pause) I really don’t know how to tell you this… (long pause). - Jessica
What is it? What’s wrong? - Adam
I don’t know, I just don’t know how to tell you this, but….(sighs…pause) please don’t be upset baby but I just couldn’t tell you… - Jessica
Can you stop the messing around? I’m starting to get worried just spit it out!!!!?!? - Adam
I’m pregnant (long pause…). - Jessica
What did you say? - Adam
I went to doctor and he told me I was 3 weeks pregnant and I just don’t how I’m going to deal with this… I’ve been stressed out thinking what this might mean for me…. for us.- Jessica
*Adam frantically pacing*

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Jay and Michelle

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...3 Oct 6:55 pm - Scope Luee: l 3 Oct 6:55 pm - Scope Luee: Sori we don't know !! 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Okay 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Oops 3 Oct 7:01 pm - Scope Amy: Sorry 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Its okay 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Next meeting: tomorrow after school 3 Oct 7:03 pm - Prudence: Do u guys ok? 3 Oct 7:10 pm - Scope Ray:  3 Oct 7:11 pm - Scope Michelle:  3 Oct 7:11 pm - Scope Jason:  3 Oct 8:19 pm - Scope Luee: Okok 3 Oct 8:19 pm - Scope Amy: 4 Oct 4:31 pm - Prudence: IMG-20141004-WA0035.jpg (file attached) 4 Oct 4:31 pm - Prudence: Second meeting 11 Oct 3:26 pm - Scope Michelle: IMG-20141011-WA0007.jpg (file attached) 11 Oct 9:23 pm - Scope Jason: 可唔可以sd番今日傾過既野嚟睇? 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0001.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: IMG-20141016-WA0000.jpg (file attached) 13 Oct 11:31 am - Scope Luee: Sori我唔知係我電話 13 Oct 11:32 am - Scope Jason: Thx 13 Oct 11:32 am - Prudence: Thx 13 Oct 11:40 am - Scope Ray: Thx 14 Oct 12:54 am - Scope Luee: 各位有無email 我fd有份pm嘅project借左黎參考 腥俾你地睇下 14 Oct 12:55 am - Scope Michelle:  唔該晒 14 Oct 1:00 am - Scope Ray: 14 Oct 1:01 am - Scope Luee: 仲有每個項目解釋大約一至兩句is ok 原來果一大段係成個project description 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: 14 Oct 1:09 am - Prudence: Thx 14 Oct 1:10 am - Scope Luee: 法國妹咁慢又腥多次 14 Oct 1:15 am - Prudence: Sorry岩岩先見到個msg 14 Oct 1:15 am - Scope Luee: Sd jor la...

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Women Influencer

...My Mother is My Greatest Influencer in My Life The person who influences me the most is my mother. My mother is the type of person who has thoughtful discussions about the importance of having a lovable family. My mother is the type of person who always has the time to listen when I really needed to express my feelings. I consider my mother a security blanket because she always listens to me at anytime of the day or night no matter if she is sleeping, sick or busy. She is always helping my sister and me when we are in the time of need. She always lends a helping hand to others as well. Growing up with such a strong role model, I developed many of her characteristics and interests. Even before my first tear hit the ground my mother is there to wipe it away. When I am feeling down she is always there when I need her the most. ​She is the kind of mom who would always stick out for my sister and me. Even when times got rough she would never let her hardships in her life distress her children. My mother has always been a very strong role model to me growing up with someone like her to look up to has changed my life in many different ways. As a child she taught me everything from feeding myself and dressing myself, and also how to be respectful to adults. She has helped me to grow physically and intellectually. She would always call me to wake me up for school and after every phone call she would say I love you and have a good day at school. That would mean a lot to me because...

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Barack Obama

...grandparents in Hawaii. Barack Obama grew up in a middle-class upbringing with a strong sense of family and the value of education. Through his adolescence, he struggled with the absence of his father. He was uncertain personal and racial identity. His father’s failed aspirations and absence became a cautionary tale of life for him. Obama has been quoted saying “Every man is either trying to live up to his father’s expectations or making up his mistakes.” Excelling in school and basketball, he graduated High school from Pun haw academy in 1979 with honors. He then went on to attend Columbia University. He graduated with a degree in political science. In 1988, he attended Harvard Law School. While at Harvard, he met his wife, Michelle. They settled down in Chicago, where Obama practiced as a civil rights lawyer. This is where he began his political career. He began a helping as an organized for registration drive during Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign. In, 2000, Obama made an unsuccessful Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives. Obama began his political career as a State Senator in 2004. On January 20, 2009, Obama became the 44th President of the United States. He is the first African-American president. For all his efforts to improve foreign policy, the aid of the taking down the pirates off the coast of Somalia, preparing the nation foe the Swine Flu, He was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize....

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