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Minimum Wage Rates


Submitted By MOlivaria
Words 1363
Pages 6
Minimum Wage Rates in the United States

Algeria Robinson

Kaplan University


Professor Gurganious

August 31, 2013

The working class citizens are extremely strong people. On a day to day basis they bear the routine rat race. It seems as soon as you clock out for the day you’re right back at work. An endless conversation by the coffee pots at work is how we the employed cannot seem to enjoy life comfortably because of several different reasons; the main reason is wage rates of pay. The people in my firm earn well above the minimum wage rate, but still have some complications financially. This in fact is intriguing; if we’re struggling to be comfortable how are those people able to survive actually earning minimum wage. In the United States the working class citizens are provided a wage by their employer for the tasks performed during their shift. For some time this wage has been under ridicule because it has been considered to be too low to survive and be at ease. The reality of this paper perhaps are shocking. It will contain that innumerable families are now struggling and striving to provide and finance their lifestyles with a single solitary income, nearly all are in need of government assistance, and the same number are long awaiting the new minimum wage to secure decent respectable wage.
After speaking to one of an old high school friends she made it clear the constant daily struggle that minimum wagers endure. Lauren Smith, North Carolina resident exposes her financial turmoil. She is a 32 year old widow with two children ages 3 and 5 with a single income. During my brief interview with Lauren she specifies that she has to budget and make sure that her fulltime slightly above minimum wage job of $8.25 stretches every month to support her family of three. She is one of the

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