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Submitted By jdarcy368
Words 2378
Pages 10
In this assignment I am going to look into the Johnson and Johnson group of companies over its last 160 years of their history there has been many events that have rocked the companies stability but each every time they have come back stronger than ever.
The Johnson and Johnson brand of companies are very much involved in the medical business but also have a deep history in the consumables industry such as cosmetic products and personal hygiene.
For the most part they perceived to be deliberate in their approach to management style meaning that things have to be well planned due to the business activities that they are involved in. The company owns many high tech company’s including Vistaken, Depuy and Ethicon these are all companies that are highly advanced in their respective business. Therefore it has to be deliberate in their strategies as if the one of the group of companies make a mistake there can be severe consequences. However though the company when it ne3eds to be can be emergent to ensure that they seize every available opportunity to ensure that the company continues into the future.
In the Depuy Synthes company y for example they plan their production 12 months in advance to ensure that they can keep up with demand of production. Depuy makes orthopaedic products that have to be produced to the highest quality and if there is any flaws they are going to be produced and there is a problem there is going to be a case made towards them for negligence.
There is also the need for the business to make sure they are being proactive in the research and development of their products so they have to be able test products and ensure their fit for purpose. In my opinion it is most important that these businesses are very aware that the more they update the products the more revolutionary they will be.
According to the Mintzberg and Waters article most

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