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Mioan Civilization


Submitted By mminer4
Words 498
Pages 2
Michael Miner
World Cultures I
Professor Friedrich
November 2, 2015

Minoan Civilization Throughout history the Minoan civilization was very major during its time. “Prior to the classical Greek culture, during the Bronze Age, lived the Minoans.” The Minoans was credited as being Europe’s first great civilization. “Named after the legendary King Minos, the Minoans were an advanced society made up of highly cultivated artists and extremely intelligent engineers.” While researching, it showed the Minoans were primarily mercantilist people, engaged in overseas trade and managed a lucrative maritime empire, dominating the Mediterranean, the Greek islands, Greece, and expanded all the way out to the Black Sea. “A sophisticated group of people, they were also the first Europeans to use a written language, “known as Linear A, as well as the first to construct paved roads.” Located in the Middle of the eastern Mediterranean, at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe, “was the mountainous islands of Crete.” It was there were the magnificent civilization, “flourished.” Archeological evidence shows there was a habitation on the islands since the seventh millennium.” After the fifth millennium B.C., they found the first evidence of handmade pottery, marking the beginning of the civilization. “History showed that the Crete had 90 cities, of which Knossos was the most important one. “However, research shows the palaces of the Minoans were destroyed by forces unknown to us in 1700 B.C.” There was speculation that the destruction was caused either by a powerful earthquake, or by outside invaders. Despite the sudden destruction of their palaces, the Minoans continued to flourish.” The end of the thriving culture came to an end in the middle of the 15th century. “Among the things destroyed were the Palaces, Villas, and destruction of Knossos in 1375.” Researches showed

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