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Submitted By ProjectJuliet
Words 948
Pages 4
(Midterm Grading Period 1st Trimester AY 2015-2016)

A. Best Practice Cases One-Page Summaries

Three “best practice” cases have been assigned for oral presentation. These cases provide actual examples of successful OD change efforts. For each case, you will be required to turn in a one-page, typed summary of your responses to the following questions:

What practices in the case would be helpful to apply in your organization?

How might you modify the practices in the case to better suit your organization?

What did you learn overall from the case?

[Note: If you are not currently working, you may either refer to a former organization you worked for, or the “ideal” organization you would like to work for.]

B. Team Case Diagnostic Scan Presentation

Students will work on a team to complete a diagnostic scan of a problem or issue of concern in a case. Student teams will work together to analyze the case, and prepare a presentation that includes the following elements:

Describe the preliminary problems or issues of concern your team identified in the case. [Note – Consider “what is” and “what should be.” Gaps between those two indicate a potential problem or issue of concern.]

Specify the preliminary root causes for each identified problem or issue of concern.

Describe your team’s assessment and feedback plan to confirm your diagnosis. Your plan should include a description of the diagnostic model and methods your team will use in conducting the diagnosis.

Anticipate any negative consequences that you foresee resulting from assessment and feedback plan. Then, describe what steps can be taken to avert these negative consequences.

⇒ List the OD Best Practices your team would follow if you were hired on as consultants on this case. These best practices will have emerged from the previous

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