Premium Essay

Modern History


Submitted By john124
Words 326
Pages 2
-The issue that brought the U.S into the war was Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.
-On May 7, 1915, the British Cunard liner, the Lusitania, was attacked and sunk by a German submarine. 1198 civilians were killed including 124 Americans. Many more attacks on American vessels caused the Americans to declare war.
-The German Foreign minister, Zimmermann, sent a secret note to the German minister in Mexico suggesting joint German-Mexican action against the United States. This became known as the ‘Zimmermann Telegram’.
-On 6 April the U.S declared war on Germany. War was not declared on Austria-Hungary until 7 December 1917.
-The U.S involvement had an immediate impact on morale. Allied morale jumped, and the German morale did the opposite.
-At the beginning of 1917, the U.S had only a small army of about 160 000, 25 000 of whom were stationed overseas. By October 1918 it had an effective army of 4 million. More than 2 million had been transported to France and about 1.3 million were actually on the front.
-Operation Michael, the first stage of Ludendorff's’ spring offensive, occurred as a result of the U.S entry and the Russian withdrawal. This operation made use of storm troopers, who used ‘secret’ tactics to infiltrate and destroy the enemy artillery.
-Germany’s ultimate and inevitable defeat came as a result of the U.S entry. For Germany, it seemed that the end of the war was very near and it did not seem the end would be to their favour.
-Two Revolutions in 1917 led to Russia’s formal withdrawal from the war in 1918.
-Lack of supplies, food, ammunition, and even boots led to indiscipline, attacks on officers and mutiny.
-The treaty of Brest Litovsk in March 1918 was a peace treaty between Germany and Russia. This had them withdraw from the war.
-As a consequence of the U.S entry, Ludendorffs spring offensive

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