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Moon Children Critique


Submitted By ryanm1009
Words 646
Pages 3
“Moonchildren” Critique
“Moonchildren”, written by Michael Weller, is a play about college students living together in the midst of the Vietnam War. The students deal with war protests, crazy roommates, failing relationships, and their future. “Moonchildren” was performed in the “Hallberg Theatre” of Cal. State Fullerton.
Each of the performers did a wonderful job portraying what it would be like to live in that era. Gary Fields did a great job portraying the emotions of his part. As his character realizes his mother is dying and his girlfriend has cheated on him, the look on his face was effectively haunting. Rebecca Struzyna portrayed a pained confusion when she realizes she must make hard choices and live with the consequences. Also, there was great chemistry and playfulness on stage between Daniel Botello, Janelle Kester, Sam Forbes, and Benji Coelho. Tyler Fischbeck’s portrayal of the satisfaction in his own nerdiness was very believable. Gordan Norquist’s portrayal of emotion was very effective. Lastly, the interactions between the cast added to the overall quality of the performance.
The time period of this play was set in the mid 1960’s during the Vietnam War. The various aspects of this time period were very well incorporated into the production. The overall direction by Travis Donnelly was very effective. Like I mentioned earlier, the interactions between the characters were very well received by the audience. It is obvious that they had great direction.
This production was performed in the “Hallberg Theatre”, a moderately sized arena style theatre at Cal. State Fullerton. The set of “Moonchildren” was very well designed with the amount of room that there was to work with. The scenic designer, Abe Luke Rodriguez, did an amazing job with the design of the stage. The stage design was set up to resemble an apartment in the 1960’s. Compared to “Baby with

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