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Moral Dilemma Analysis

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A knob came into my room drunk, I have to decide whether to report him for underage drinking or whether to help him to his room. This decision can affect my relationship with him because if I report him he will not trust me. If I were not to report him, he would trust me because he knows that I care for him as a classmate. This also sets a precedence for him to continue this behavior which is not allowed per White Book rules. This situation is a true moral dilemma because it is applicable to 3 out of 5 tests: the legal test, the professional standards test, the gut feeling test, the front-page test, the role-mode test. According to the professional standards test, I should report the knob. According to the gut feeling test and role model test, I should not report him …show more content…
loyalty, individual vs. community, short-term vs. long-term, and justice vs. mercy. Truth vs. loyalty asks whether one should tell the truth or remain loyal to their cohorts. Individual vs. community contrasts the individual’s needs against those of the community. Short-term vs. long-term is about the needs of a person in the short-term and the future. Justice vs. mercy asks the question whether one should stick hard and fast with the rules or allow an exception and grant someone mercy. A list of the more applicable paradigms to the least is as follows: truth vs. loyalty, justice vs. mercy, short-term vs. long-term, individual vs. community. Truth vs. loyalty and justice vs. mercy fits this moral dilemma because you have to choose whether to tell the truth and report the knob or remain loyal to him and help him out. You choose whether to give justice to the situation and report him or give him mercy and help him. Short-term vs. long-term applies less so because the short-term effect is that he gets away with his behavior but in the long term it sets a precedence for him to continue this behavior. Individual vs. community does not apply to this moral

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