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Moral Permissibility of Abortion


Submitted By SMariners24
Words 1147
Pages 5
Moral Permissibility of Abortion One question of great importance in today’s world deals with the moral permissibility of abortion. Traditional thought teaches that only in very rare occasions should it be permitted. Many modern thinkers tend to leave it up to the decision of the woman, who is under no responsibility to the fetus because it is not a fully developed person. The question of the moral permissibility of abortion, however, draws out a plethora of other questions such as: can a fetus be considered a human being? If so, when does it become a human being? Does a fetus have the same rights as a person? Is a woman required to sacrifice her health, interests, and commitments to sustain the fetus? In this essay, I will review the articles of Margaret Little and Judith Thomson to expose flaws in their arguments in behalf of abortion, and provide reasons that reject its permissibility. Thomson’s argument is known as the “Bodily Rights Argument,” which utilizes the analogy of the unconscious violinist to show that a pregnant mother, who did not chose to be in that situation, has no obligation to care for the life of the fetus against her will. This analogy tells of a person who is kidnapped and, upon waking, finds herself attached to medical equipment and lying next to a famous violinist. The violinist’s kidneys have failed him and aren’t able to remove toxins from his body, so they needed her, the one person with the right type of blood, to save the violinist. The doctor states how it was a terrible thing to be kidnapped and forced against her will, but the fact remains that she cannot leave for nine months because that would kill the famous violinist; it would be “Immoral” to let him die. Thomson argues that the same could be held for a woman who gets pregnant without meaning or wanting to. It would be a “Good Samaritan” act, but it is not required of her

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