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Submitted By a230820551
Words 1131
Pages 5
隨著時代的變遷和生活節奏的加快使得人們追求營養而便捷的食品﹐而生活方式的改變催生了方便食品的興起。今天我們要介紹的Kellogg Company就是一家具有百年歷史的方便食品生產商。

出生於1860年的Will Keith (W.K.) Kellogg雖然只受過六年的正規教育﹐但是當他意識到美國人的早餐飲食習慣開始從重口味和多脂肪向清淡和更多的穀物類食品轉變時﹐便異常敏銳地抓住了這個機會。1906年他與兄弟John Harvey Kellogg博士一起成為了穀物薄片食品的聯合發明人﹐從此永久性地改變了人們的早餐方式。當時他們發現只使用去殼玉米或玉米甜芯生產的玉米薄片﹐其口感和營養價值更好。於是他們成立了Kellogg Company ﹐開始在密執根的工廠生產這種Kellogg’s Corn Flakes®玉米薄片﹐隨著產品的不斷開發和市場的擴張﹐該公司大大影響了全球的食品行業。

1914年W.K. Kellogg開始進行全球性擴張﹐到1938年公司已經在英國和澳大利亞設立了工廠。1951年W.K. Kellogg過世後﹐Kellogg仍然維持其擴張經營的策略﹐在拉丁美洲和亞洲也設立了生產廠。1952年1月9日公司通過首次公開發行股票成為公眾上市公司﹐當時以每股23.75美元的價格發行了41.5萬股股票﹐股東人數為4000人。1958年公司正式採用Tony the Tiger®成為公司玉米薄片產品的唯一標誌﹐從此Tony虎也成為美國文化的中流砥柱之一。

Kellogg具有突破性的發明創造性方便食品包括Pop-Tarts®餡餅皮﹑Eggo®冷凍華夫和Nutri-Grain®棒。公司以其健康導向和方便創新的象Special K, All Bran以及Product為品牌的穀物類早餐食品奠定了其行業的龍頭地位。1999年公司通過收購素食食品生產商Worthington Foods ﹐以及2000年收購有機食品生產商Kashi Company來擴大其營運範圍。2001年公司以46.5億美元的價格收購了餅乾及薄餅生產商Keebler Foods Company ﹐同時這也是公司歷史上最大的一宗收購兼併案。2002年公司與迪斯尼建立了全球合作夥伴關係﹐推出了更多的穀物類新產品和零食產品。

到2005年公司的年銷售收入超過了100億美元﹐其方便食品包括有餅乾﹑薄餅﹑烤餡餅﹑穀物棒﹑冷凍華夫和肉類食品等。公司的商品品牌包括Kellogg’s®, Keebler®, Pop-Tarts®, Eggo®, Cheez-It®, Club®, Nutri-Grain®, Rice Krispies®, All-Bran®, Special K®等等﹐在全球17個國家設有生產廠﹐產品銷售到180多個國家。而象Tony the Tiger™, Snap! Crackle! Pop!™, Toucan Sam™和 Ernie Keebler ™這樣的公司圖像也成為廣告中最為人們所熟悉的形象。

按照產品種類來劃分﹐公司產品主要分為穀物類產品﹐基本佔到公司總營收的53%左右﹔零食產品﹐其營收佔到總銷售額的32% ﹔其它產品﹐其營收佔到總銷售額的15%左右。

按照地域來劃分﹐北美銷售收入佔到公司總收入的67% ﹐歐洲佔到20% ﹐拉丁美洲佔到8% ﹐亞太地區佔到5%。

即食穀物類﹕公司生產各種成人及兒童用即食穀物產品﹐其主要品牌有Kellogg’s ﹑All-Bran ﹑Apple Jacks ﹑Kellogg’s Corn Flakes ﹑Froot Loops ﹑ Pops ﹑Product 19 ﹑Tony’s Cinnamon Krunchers ﹑Special K以及Frosted Flakes等等。

衛生便攜式零食﹕主要生產方便攜帶的包裝食品﹐其便攜式的早餐和水果小吃為消費者提供衛生快捷的美味食物。其主要品牌有Kellogg's Go-Tarts!TM ﹑Pop-Tarts ﹑Kashi Chewy Granola Bars ﹑Sweet & Salty Bars ﹑All-Bran Bars ﹑Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars ﹑Fruit SteamersTM ﹑Nutri-Grain Yogurt Bars以及Nutri-Grain Muffin Bars等等。

餅乾和薄餅﹕公司在2001年收購了美國第二大餅乾和薄餅生產商﹐其主要品牌有Keebler Cookies ﹑Chips Deluxe Cookies ﹑Golden Vanilla Wafers Cookies ﹑Carr’s Cookies ﹑Keebler Crackers ﹑Kashi TLCTM Crackers以及SunshineTM等等。

天然有機冷凍食品﹕為消費者提供快捷﹑美味的膳食解決方案﹐提供各種健康的美味冷凍食品。其主要品牌有Worthington ﹑Loma Linda ﹑Morningstar Farms Organic ﹑Eggo ﹑Kashi GOLEAN Waffles和Morningstar Farms。

公司最主要直接的競爭對手有General Mills Inc (NYSE:GIS,新聞,圖表) ﹑Kraft Foods Incorporated (NYSE:KFT,新聞,圖表) 和ConAgra Foods Inc (NYSE:CAG,新聞,圖表) 。



比較市盈率高低﹐K的市盈率高於GIS和KFT ﹐但低於CAG的水平﹐顯示雖然市場對該公司盈利增長率前景的看好度低於CAG ﹐但同時也表明其風險較低。另外所有競爭公司的市盈率均小於該行業平均25.42倍的水平。






看看利潤率﹐所有三項指標均以K為最佳﹐顯示公司盈利能力相當良好。同時也分別高於行業平均31.47% ﹑11.03%和6.85%的水平。


比較過去1年和5年的銷售增長率﹐K的1年的銷售增長率是最高的﹐5年銷售增長率低於GIS ﹐而高於其它兩家公司﹐同時也分別高於行業平均3.97%和9.09%的水平﹐總體而言銷售維持了較為健康的增長。






2006年7月17日公司宣佈推出新產品Kellogg's, Crunchy Nut, Sweet & Salty Granola Bars ﹐這些產品已經開始從六月底上市。Crunchy Nut是一種新的健康麥片系列產品﹐有巧克力花生和巧克力杏仁兩種口味。

2006年6月23日公司宣佈﹐通過推出三種蛋白質加強型產品將Special K的產品系列擴展到減肥和營養渠道﹐進入雜貨店和藥店。這些產品是專為保持體形的消費者所設計﹐品牌有Special K20 Protein Waters, Special K Protein Snack Bars和Special K Protein Meal Bars ﹐這些產品將於十一月份上市。

>> 下一頁: 價值分析
|公司規模不同,在各個方面都會表現出完全不同的運行規律相應的,應該按照完全不同的方法來予以評估。因此,在評估一家公司的時候, |
|您首先需要明確這家公司的規模。 K 的銷售額為 105,181 百萬,屬於 大型公司(大型公司佔全部公司數的16%)。 下圖顯示了該公司與 |
|同行業公司的銷售額的規模比較。 |
|10518 |
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|34084 |
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|15944 |
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|11640 |
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|11579 |
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|7343 |
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|3001 |
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|2609 |
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|K |
|PEP |
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|GIS |
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|Kellogg Co |
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|PepsiCo Inc |
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|Sara Lee Cp |
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|General Mills Inc |
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|ConAgra Foods Inc |
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|Campbell Soup Co |
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|Del Monte Foods Co |
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|McCormick & Company |
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|近10年來公司銷售額的規模及變動情況如下圖所示。 |
|6984 |
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|6955 |
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|8853 |
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|8304 |
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|8812 |
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|9614 |
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|10177 |
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|10518 |
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|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司銷售額 |
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|1997 |
|1998 |
|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
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|營業收入 (百萬) |
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|6984 |
|6955 |
|8853 |
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|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|營業收入 (百萬) |
|8304 |
|8812 |
|9614 |
|10177 |
|10518 |
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|下圖顯示了在這十年時間內,該公司銷售額的增長速度。 |
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|27.2% |
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|6.1% |
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|9.1% |
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|5.8% |
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|3.3% |
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|2000 |
|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司銷售額的增長速度 |
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|1997 |
|1998 |
|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
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|營業收入增長速度(%) |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|-0.4% |
|27.2% |
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|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|營業收入增長速度(%) |
|-6.2% |
|6.1% |
|9.1% |
|5.8% |
|3.3% |
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|近10年來公司淨利潤及變動情況如下圖所示。 |
|338.3 |
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|587.7 |
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|482 |
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|720.9 |
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|787.1 |
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|890.6 |
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|980.4 |
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|1007.3 |
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|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司淨利潤 |
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|1997 |
|1998 |
|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
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|淨利潤 (百萬) |
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|338.3 |
|587.7 |
|482 |
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|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|淨利潤 (百萬) |
|720.9 |
|787.1 |
|890.6 |
|980.4 |
|1007.3 |
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|下圖顯示了在這十年時間內,該公司的淨利潤增長速度。 |
|73.7% |
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|49.5% |
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|9.1% |
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|13.1% |
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|10% |
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|2.7% |
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|2000 |
|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司淨利潤增長速度 |
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|1997 |
|1998 |
|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
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|淨利潤增長速度(%) |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|73.7% |
|-17.9% |
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|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|淨利潤增長速度(%) |
|49.5% |
|9.1% |
|13.1% |
|10% |
|2.7% |
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|一般情況下,在銷售額增長的同時,利潤應該同步增長。如果利潤的增長速度快於銷售額的增長速度, |
|但在一定的限度之內,表示公司管理層將經營成績轉化為利潤的水平較高;但如果兩者中間的差距太大, |
|將表明在經營過程當中出現了一定的問題。下圖顯示了該公司的利潤增長速度以及與銷售額增長速度的對比。 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|73.7 |
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|27.2 |
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|49.5 |
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|6.1 |
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|9.1 |
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|9.1 |
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|13.1 |
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|2000 |
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|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司銷售額、淨利潤增長速度 |
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|銷售額增長速度 |
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|淨利潤增長速度 |
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|一般情況下,大公司的增長速度會低於小公司。由於 K 3年的營業收入平均增長速度為 6.08% ,3年的淨利潤平均增長速度為 8.57% 。它 |
|不屬於快速增長的公司。 下圖顯示了在這3年時間內,該公司的增長速度與同行業公司的比較。 |
|6.08% |
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|0.41% |
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|3.58% |
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|0.23% |
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|2.21% |
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|18.57% |
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|Kellogg Co |
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|PepsiCo Inc |
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|Sara Lee Cp |
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|General Mills Inc |
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|ConAgra Foods Inc |
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|Campbell Soup Co |
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|Del Monte Foods Co |
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|McCormick & Company |
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|下表是公司營業收入、淨利潤的絕對數額和增長速度與競爭對手的比較。 |
|競爭對手 |
|K |
|PEP |
|SLE |
|GIS |
|CAG |
|CPB |
|DLM |
|MKC |
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|營業收入(百萬) |
|10518.1 |
|34084 |
|15944 |
|11640 |
|11579.4 |
|7343 |
|3001.6 |
|2609.412 |
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|淨利潤 |
|(百萬) |
|1007.3 |
|4349 |
|555 |
|1090 |
|533.8 |
|766 |
|159.9 |
|212.103 |
| |
|三年營收 |
|增長速度 |
|6.08% |
|-3.94% |
|0.41% |
|3.58% |
|0.23% |
|2.21% |
|18.57% |
|-33.1% |
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|三年淨利潤 |
|增長速度 |
|8.57% |
|9.34% |
|38.42% |
|-3.38% |
|32.15% |
|-3.82% |
|15.94% |
|N/A |
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|除了增長率之外,公司的利潤率水平是第二重要的因素。 |
|如果利潤跟隨銷售額的增長而增長,利潤率水平保持穩定甚至上升,表明該公司的基本商業模式是可行 |
|的,公司擁有一定的競爭優勢。同時,較高的利潤率也是應付困難時期的最佳武器。如果公司未能建立起 |
|基本的利潤率,表明或者公司缺乏定價能力,或者公司的成本結構不足以支持公司的發展,一旦長期 持續 下去,公司的股價必然受到很大 |
|的影響。可以說,利潤率水平在評估公司實力方面,是至關重要的指標。 下圖顯示了該公司的淨利潤率水平在近年來的變化。 |
|4.84% |
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|8.45% |
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|5.44% |
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|8.68% |
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|8.93% |
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|9.26% |
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|9.63% |
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|9.58% |
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|1999 |
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|2003 |
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|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
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|10年來公司淨利潤率 |
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|1997 |
|1998 |
|1999 |
|2000 |
|2001 |
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|淨利潤率(%) |
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|4.84% |
|8.45% |
|5.44% |
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|淨利潤增長速度(%) |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|N/A |
|73.7% |
|-17.9% |
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|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|淨利潤率(%) |
|8.68% |
|8.93% |
|9.26% |
|9.63% |
|9.58% |
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|淨利潤增長速度(%) |
|49.5% |
|9.1% |
|13.1% |
|10% |
|2.7% |
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|在觀察利潤率變化趨勢的同時,投資者應該留意這種利潤率水平與同行業公司的對比。 |
|下圖顯示了該公司與同行業其他公司淨利潤率的對比。較高的淨利潤率是一家超級公司的最主要的特徵。 |
|9.60% |
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|12.80% |
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|3.50% |
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|9.40% |
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|4.60% |
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|10.40% |
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|5.30% |
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|8.10% |
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|K |
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|SLE |
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|Kellogg Co |
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|PepsiCo Inc |
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|Sara Lee Cp |
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|General Mills Inc |
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|ConAgra Foods Inc |
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|Campbell Soup Co |
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|Del Monte Foods Co |
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|McCormick & Company |
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|的公司應該有著超過行業平均水平的增長和回報。如果它的估價不及行業的平均水平,通常這都可能意味著潛在投資機會。 |
|2.48 |
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|1.86 |
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|20 |
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|25.25 |
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|46.4% |
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|24.77% |
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|9.2% |
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|8.11% |
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|9.6% |
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|8% |
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|1.41 |
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|0.54 |
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|每股盈餘 |
|市盈率 |
|股東權益 |
|回報率 |
|資產收益率 |
|利潤率 |
|負債權益比 |
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|與行業的平均水平對比 |
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|公司指標 |
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|行業指標 |
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|股市投資的奧妙之一就是,好公司並不一定等於好股票。在判斷股票之時,必須避免為它支 |
|付過高的價格──即使買進的是一家好公司的股票。這方面市盈率是最常用的指標。在判斷市盈率指標的高 |
|低之時,必須與它自身的市盈率歷史水平做對比。市盈率低並不一定表示值得買進,但至少表明公司沒有 |
|處於高估的位置,這個指標會提醒你遠離股價高得不合理的公司。 |
|37.1 |
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|18.1 |
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|25.5 |
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|19.6 |
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|19.8 |
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|20.9 |
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|18.3 |
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|最近12個月 |
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|10年來公司市盈率 |
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|除了市盈率之外,市銷率也是一個值得重點關注的指標。有些公司會暫時出現經營困難,比如出現虧損 |
|或微利的時期,這種時候,它的市盈率會成為負值或者高得不可思議,沒有參考意義。此時,市銷率能夠 |
|告訴你這家公司的實力如何。即使是對正常盈利的公司,市銷率也能提供十分有價值的信息。如果現在公 |
|司的市銷率與歷史水平相比較處於較低水平,而公司各方面的基本情況並未惡化,那麼,很可能這是一家 暫時受到低估的公司。 |
|1.79 |
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|1.53 |
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|1.38 |
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|1.77 |
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|1.92 |
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|1.72 |
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|1.87 |
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|1999 |
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|2001 |
|2002 |
|2003 |
|2004 |
|2005 |
|最近12個月 |
|截至第2財季 |
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|10年來公司市銷率 |
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|在進行了上面的各項評估後,我們就可以對公司的內在價值作出評估。 |
|49.74 |
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|52.58 |
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|現價 |
|內在價值 |
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|這樣,該公司在3年之後的銷售額會是 12176015512.5 元。 該公司流通股為 396706048 股。 |
|因此,其每股盈餘將是: |
|銷售額(12176015512.5)*利潤率(0.12)/流通股(396706048)=3.68元 |
|按照市盈率 計算, 其股價在3年之後應該為 66.24元。 按照未來3年年均期望回報率 |
|8%將其折算為現在的股價,應為52.58元[複利現值(1+8%)-3=0.7938] 而現在的股價為49.74元,由此可見,該公司股價低估。 |
|根據現在股價水平計算,未來3年年平均回報率將為 10.02%。 |

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Duality In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

...Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde delves deep into the topic of duality. It follows a London lawyer by the name of Gabriel John Utterson who investigates the odd circumstances surrounding his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, and Jekyll’s evil counterpart, Mr. Edward Hyde. Like many other gothic novels from its time, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows a prevalent theme of duality, in that it centers on the polarity between good and evil. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde deals with a Dr. Henry Jekyll who is widely respected, successful, and possesses a brilliant intellect but is only too aware of the duplicity of the life that he leads, and of the evil that resides within him. Dr. Jekyll covertly...

Words: 319 - Pages: 2

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Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Analysis

...The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novel made by Robert Louis Stevenson, which invokes a sense of urban terror and the problems that threaten a city in London. Terror is represented by Mr. Hyde, whom is the alter personality of Dr. Jekyll. Dr Jekyll is a respected doctor; Dr. Jekyll is well known, charitable and kind, however, since his youth. Dr Jekyll has secretly engaged in corrupt behavior, as well as dissolute. Jekyll becomes annoyed by this dark side he has, therefore he starts experimenting on himself. Through these experiments he brings his dark side Mr. Hyde into being. Mr. Hyde is the living manifestation of terror in the tale, his appearance emits an evil aura, Mr. Enfield states that Hyde is deformed, ugly, and inspires an immediate revulsion. Mr. Utterson suffers from a nightmare after seeing Mr. Hyde. In Utterson’s nightmare, Utterson is haunted by nightmares in which a faceless man runs down a small child and in which the same terrifying, faceless figure stands beside Jekyll’s bed and commands him to rise. Mr. Utterson is terrified by this and starts to...

Words: 597 - Pages: 3

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Comparing Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

...The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde expresses the parallel inspirations between Stevenson and Freud. Stevenson’s greatest literary influences were Edgar Allan Poe and James Hogg. In 1839, Poe wrote William Wilson and Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. In both of his novels, Poe addresses the ideas of dopplegangers and dualism, ideas also expressed in Stevenson’s novel. In 1824, James Hogg wrote The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. Hogg’s novel also involved a character who had psychological issues. Even in the times of Hogg and Poe, fifty to sixty years prior to the publication of Stevenson’s novel, Freud’s theories were well known by these others and were incorporated into their writing. This pattern of writing...

Words: 662 - Pages: 3

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Addiction In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

...Jake Klonsky 5/20/15 English Paragraphs Addiction: In the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson explains a terrifying story depicting the power of addiction. Stevenson uses Jekyll and his addiction to becoming Hyde as an exploration of physiological and physical addiction. There are many ways the novella shows addiction, one of the clearest being the conversation between Jekyll and Utterson regarding Utterson’s worry for Jekyll health. Jekyll explains to Utterson, “just to put your good heart at rest, I will tell you one thing: the moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde’”(58). This is Jekyll paraphrasing the cliched phrase where addicts claim they can stop any time they want. Every time he attempts...

Words: 710 - Pages: 3

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Diction In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

...As stated from the book on page 63 “... there is no statute of limitations…”, this gives more insight on the character's personalities and how some of them think. “Killing being out of the question…” this was on page 50, this gives some more details about the attitude of the character Mr. Utterson and helps the reader understand his peaceful attitude. “ I had every reason to believe it was forgery.” This quote was on page 51, this statement gives even more detailed proof on how Mr.Utterson thinks and how cautious and superstitious he is. In conclusion the book Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde uses specific details to make the story better and to help us understand the...

Words: 673 - Pages: 3

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

...The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde MR. UTTERSON the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which never found its way into his talk, but which spoke not only in these silent symbols of the after-dinner face, but more often and loudly in the acts of his life. He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove. 'I incline to, Cain's heresy,' he used to say. 'I let my brother go to the devil in his quaintly: 'own way.' In this character, it was frequently his fortune to be the last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of down-going men. And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanour. No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best, and even his friendship seemed to be founded in a similar catholicity of good-nature. It is the mark of a modest...

Words: 753 - Pages: 4

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Examples Of Duality In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

...Stevenson’s book, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, duality is the main theme. Stevenson explores the concept of duality with the setting, events that take place throughout the story and this character’s dialogue. William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, also demonstrates the inherent duality of the world. The dualities in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde consist of the duality of human nature and the duality of society; Romeo and Juliet ties in with some of these dualities. Dr. Jekyll, a character in Stevenson’s novel, is used a common example of the duality in human nature. Dr. Jekyll was thought to be an entirely good person, by the Victorian...

Words: 885 - Pages: 4

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Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Character Analysis

...t everyone has a dark side to them. Even the most nicest people you know could have a dark side. In the story of The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde we that Dr Jekyll who is a normal functioning human being in a gross monstrous demon, which is Mr Hyde. Beginning of the story, Mr. Utterson is trying to figure out what happen to his old friend/ old client of his Dr Jekyll. Dr Jekyll has been very reclusive, and has some been distant with friends. Throughout the story, we think that Mr Hyde is the worst character of them all, because he’s rude, evil and just plain awful. However, I believe that Dr Jekyll is the worst character in the book. First, What makes Dr Jekyll the worst character over Mr Hyde is that he aware that he turning himself...

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