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Mr. More: A Short Story

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“The quiz is gonna start soon, y'all better be prepared”, said Mr. More. Mr. More was the coach for Jamie Hill High School’s football team. He had a cowboy accent, he wore a white t-shirt with suspenders, khakis, and of course cowboy looking boots and hat. Mr. More had been substituting for a math teacher, which the students wanted their original math teacher more (pun intended), than the teacher that they were having now, only because he was more astute. In the back right hand corner of the classroom sat Michael Korsport, he wore both Adidas sweatshirt (gray) and shoes (black and white), with black jeans. While Mr. More was passing out the quiz, Michael was passing notes around asking if anyone could help him on the quiz by telling their answers to him. …show more content…
More saw the notes being passed around, but all he did was grab all of them and throw them in the trash can, “Y'all will not tolerate cheat’n in this classroom, now am I clear?”, said Mr. More in a surprisingly calm tone. “Yes, Mr. More”, said everybody in a bored tone as if they said this a hundred times. Michael though, wanted at least a decent grade on the quiz, so he planned to keep asking Mr. More questions that would make Mr. More look away from Michael ,and while he would be looking away, Michael would take a peek at someone else's quiz. When the quiz started, Michael already knew the first couple of answers, then the hard answers started to come along, “It's time to put the plan in motion”, Michael thought to himself. “Hey teach, when are we gonna have lunch?”, said Michael. Mr. More turned around to look at the schedule, while Mr. More did this, Michael copied down some answers from a student that was sitting right in front of him, then quickly stopped when he heard Mr. More speak. “From the looks of it right here, Mr. Korsport”, said Mr. More still looking at the schedule, “Y'all gonna have lunch right after this

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