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Muji in China


Submitted By ykgu12
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无印良品最初在中国大陆的发展并非一帆风顺。1995年一家香港公司(J.B.I)在中国内地对25种服装和鞋类产品抢注了“MujirushiRy-ohin”和“Muji”两个商标,“MujirushiRy - ohin”即无印良品,而“Muji”为无印良品在海外市场用的商标,这使日本无印良品在中国不能合法地销售这25种商品。由于无印良品在其他国家和地区的服装销售额一般占其专卖店总销售的40%左右,商标权的问题使得无印良品在中国发展受到很大影响,自从2005年7月1日在上海开出在中国的第一家店以来,迟迟难有进展。直到2007年12月,无印良品在北京与这家香港公司进行的无印良品商标权诉讼最终获得胜诉,这才扫清了无印良品在中国内地开店的障碍。08年1月10日,无印良品上海正大广场店开业,面积达800平方米,销售的产品种类达到2400余种;2008年3月7日,无印良品北京首家专门店于北京西单大悦城开业,占地面积为372平方米。2008年6月20日,北京华贸的中国旗舰店开业。自此,无印良品进入了在中国市场的快速发展期。







无印良品的两大“悖论” MUJI营销之道

2008年6月20日,面积超过800平米的无印良品(MUJI) 中国旗舰店在北京华贸隆重开业,跻身于华贸商圈1100多个国际品牌之列。这是无印良品在日本以外开设的最大规模店铺,这标志着无印良品进入了在中国市场的加速扩张期。

这是一个简单而又不简单的品牌。说它简单是因为它是一个提倡简单生活理念的品牌,所有的产品都追求返璞归真的设计,甚至连品牌LOGO都省略了。无印在日文中是没有花纹的意思,“Muji”(无印”)意即“No Brand”(无品牌),“无印良品"”的意思就是“无品牌标志的好产品”。说它不简单,是因为在World Brand Lab独家发布的“2007年度世界品牌500强排行榜”中,MUJI排名第400位,排名竟在中国国际航空、中国石化和中国国家电网之前!在上榜的28家服装服饰类品牌中,位列第20,排名高于乔治?阿玛尼、圣罗兰、纪梵希、Lee等中国消费者耳熟能详的世界名牌。


无印良品是西友株式会社于1980年开发的私有品牌,最初向消费者提供经济实惠的日用品、食品和服装。1983年在东京流行发源地的“青山”开出第一家独立旗舰店后,受到了消费者支持与肯定,并于1990年加入良品计划株式会社,目前在日本国内共有325个销售网点,是日本最大的Life Style Store(生活形态提案店)。根据日本日经流通新闻针对自主性较强的29岁至32岁的消费族群进行品牌好感度调查结果显示:“无印良品”因为拥有可提供消费者购物的安心感、商品的流行感及合理的价格等特性,为品牌好感度调查的第一名,品牌好感度更高达51.1%。







在当今的都市生活中,人们生活的方方面面都被打上了各种标签,品牌背后所包含的基于社会阶层以及虚荣心理的消费价值观,常常掩盖了人的真实感受。而“无印”的生活理念恰恰与之相反,它摒弃一切外在 “标签”,不断简化:拿掉商标、去除一切不必要的加工和颜色、简单包装、简单到只剩下素材和功能本身,提醒人们去欣赏原始素材和质料的美感,还物品以本来面目,将使用者从外在束缚中解放出来,而达到一种更接近于内心自我、更接近自然的状态,这也正是禅悟所追求的真我境界。在所有无印良品的商品上,顾客很难找到品牌标记,即便在衣领后面也不设商标——至多在衣服上贴一张透明胶带纸标明尺寸,并在试衣时撕去。对于厌倦了追求名牌和奢华生活的都市人来说,无印良品的主张确实令人耳目一新。

这种不要品牌的做法,却使得在日本经常会出现这样的现象:如果有人看到一个没有商标的用品就会猜测,“这是无印良品吗?”由此,无印良品巧妙地实现了最大程度的品牌差异化:世界被人为地分成了两极,一极是所有的品牌,而另一极就只有无印良品。大音希声,大象无形,刻意追求低调反而成为闻名世界的“No Brand”(无品牌),达到了“无牌胜有牌”的境界。它已经超脱了商品品牌的局限,成为一种生活方式的品牌,这也是品牌发展的最高境界。三流的品牌卖产品,二流的品牌既卖产品又卖服务(这实际上是在出售解决方案),而真正一流的品牌却是在贩卖一种生活方式。


定位理论之父艾?里斯曾说过:“品牌是根橡皮筋,你多伸展一个品种,它就多一份疲弱”。当今品牌竞争日趋白热化,出于强化竞争力的需要,这也是一个品牌不断强调 “聚焦”的年代,而通用电器“不做第一就做第二”的经典案例也早已深入人心。然而,无印良品却是一个另类,其商品种类已由当初的几十种发展到今天的5000多种,覆盖从牙刷到汽车等各种产品,并且这个数字依然在继续增加。对于一般人而言,这个数字意味着日常生活所需东西已应有尽有。目前像无印良品这样能将品牌轻易延伸到了几千种的品牌,实属凤毛麟角。









从2001年起,无印良品开始透过网络与消费者沟通,共同激发创意。企画人员首先订出一个主题,如“床边照明”,接着在无印良品网站的社群中,公开募集意见,以了解网友们心中最理想的商品为何。统计整理后挑出几个方案让网友投票选出最想要的商品。接下来,负责人员会根据得票数最高的点子画出设计蓝图,再次举行投票,做出样品,并利用网络进行满意度调查和意见征询,进一步修正结果。在决定好规格与价格后,便开始接受顾客的预订。一旦订单达到最小生产量,便开始正式进行商品化。无印良品通过这种手法开发出了不少热门商品。如“懒骨头沙发”就造成抢购热潮,卖出8万个,创下10亿日元的惊人业绩。 他们也在网站上募集“梦想计划”,网友可以将自己的创意告诉MUJI,只要在18天内得到300名网友的联署,MUJI就将它商品化。并在产品说明书上列上这300名网友的名字,以示感谢。让消费者参与产品设计是很多企业的理想,但是能真正做到的却很少,无印良品运用网络社区的做法值得参考。






“World MUJI”的全新商品开发法——请到多位世界各地知名设计师,以大师的眼光,帮忙改造商品,将早已在日常生活中根深柢固的东西重新编辑,替换成符合无印良品形象的商品。无印良品的服饰商品一度面临销售困境,因为其它大卖场有更多款式、价格更便宜的选择(如优衣库)。此外,还有所谓“毕业现象”:无印良品的顾客以二十多岁的年轻顾客为主,但这些顾客大学毕业之后,就会转而投向其它品牌的怀抱。为了提高顾客年龄层,2006年无印良品与日本知名设计师山本耀司合作,以强化服饰商品的设计力。在这一点上,无印良品和平民时尚品牌H&M、Zara的做法如出一辙。在开发新产品时,无印良品会召开“商品战略委员会”,除了一般员工之外,包括原研哉、深泽直人等知名设计师都会介入,通过各自观点的碰撞,达成共识后将创意试做出样品,并举行展示会,让更多不同领域的人提意见。


通过销售“Found MUJI”——集合了世界各地经过长时间发展出来的“生活必备品”,从全球实用的日常用品中学习,通过向世界收集材料与元素,再融合本地需求进行产品改造,以全球视野将产品开发提升到更高的层次。将那些地域性的素材,进行最大限度的利用,改造成为能够纳入无印良品系列中的商品。在无印良品的商品标签上,顾客常常会发现有“埃及棉”、“印度棉手织”等标注,标注那些编织技术名称,实际上是让购买者联想手工艺生产的过程。









无印良品没有代言人,“良品精神”就在为其代言。日本杂志《Casa Brutus》曾制作了一整本特刊介绍无印良品成功的秘诀:无印良品从不主动强调,连平面广告也未见“王婆卖瓜”的宣传字样,它宁愿多花点力气,找到让生活更便利、更有味道的方法。



无印良品开在东京最大的旗舰店 “无印良品有乐町”中甚至还开办了料理教室,这个不仅教授料理技术,还告诉人们关于“食”的知识和哲学。此外,还有强调健康、手工制作的餐饮“Meal MUJI”与咖啡店“Cafe MUJI”。

结合移动通讯而开设的花店“花良”(Flower MUJI),让顾客可用手机上网订购,并在下单后十三小时内,即可产地直送。如果不知道该送什么花给对方,只要输入生日,无印良品的行动服务就能马上提供“花提案”,以及相关配套商品的信息(将花卉与生活杂货结合的礼品)。

• 追求员工的幸福,成为使员工感到骄傲,有希望,有生活意义的公司。
• 被客户承认价值、信赖的公司。
• 不断改革,在竞争中胜出,靠健全和公正的经营持续发展让股东充分满足的公司。
• 对地区和社会有贡献的公司。
• 以维修・维护事业为基础,提供一级品的机械装置・系统。
• 在生产成套设备的各个领域,时刻考虑环境保护,在生产的高速度、高效率发展方面贡献于客户和社会。
• 在三菱综合材料集团的事业发展中、在生产设备方面为集团的发展做出贡献。

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...Internationalization of IKEA in the Japanese market and Chinese markets Tutor: Authors: Group: Date: Leif Linnskog Wannapa Chaletanone (05-11-1982, Thailand) Wanee Cheancharadpong (03-09-1983, Thailand) 2022 June 4, 2008 Master Thesis EFO705, 10 points (15 credits) – Spring 2008 International Business and Entrepreneurship – MIMA Program School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology Abstract Date June 4, 2008 Level Master Thesis EFO705, 10 points (15 credits) Authors Wannapa Chaletanone (05-11-1982, Thailand) Wanee Cheancharadpong (03-09-1983, Thailand) Title Internationalization of IKEA in the Japanese and Chinese markets Supervisor Leif Linnskog Problems Why did IKEA internationalize into Japanese and Chinese markets? And what factors did influence IKEA’s success in Chinese market but failure in the Japanese market of the first round? Purpose The aim of thesis is to understand the internationalization of IKEA in Asia by comparing between Japanese and Chinese markets. Method This master thesis based on qualitative approach in order to investigate the internationalization of IKEA in Asian markets as a case study since it is beneficial in understanding the observation and explanation of behavior in the certain cases. Conclusion IKEA is considered as retailer internationalization who expands into Japanese market as a result of deregulation and asset-based advantage while internationalize...

Words: 20792 - Pages: 84

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A Study to Measure Market Potential of Furniture Retai Market in Bangalore and Chennai

...CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION & THEORETICAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY   1   1.1 Introduction in to the topic and justification for choosing the topic A market potential forecast is a core component of a market analysis. It projects the future numbers, characteristics, and trends in your target market. A standard analysis shows the projected number of potential customers divided into segments. The facts are sobering: the majority of small businesses fail within five years of starting up. While there are many reasons that businesses fail, including some that have nothing to do with an owner's skills, it’s also possible that many of those same businesses collapsed simply because they couldn’t get enough customers to buy their product or service. In other words, the owners founded their business on a strategy of “build it and they will come” where, unfortunately, the customers never came. In fact, a recent study undertaken by the Blackbox seed accelerator found that many tech start-ups failed because they focused more on their product than on their potential customers. 1.2 Ask the right questions As a first step to determining the potential market for your new product or service, you want to focus on asking a couple of questions of yourself first, says Victor Kwegyir, a business consultant, business motivational speaker, and author of The Business You Can Start: Spotting the Greatest Opportunities in the Economic Downturn. Some of the questions you may want to begin with,...

Words: 8515 - Pages: 35

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Best Retail Brands 2012 - Interbrand

...Best Retail Brands Founded in 1974, Interbrand is one of the world’s largest branding consultancies. With nearly 40 offices in 26 countries, Interbrand’s combination of rigorous strategy, analytics and world-class design enables it to assist clients in creating and managing brand value effectively across all touchpoints in all market dynamics. Interbrand is widely recognized for its Best Global Brands report, the definitive guide to the world’s most valuable brands, as well as its Best Global Green Brands report which identifies the gap between customer perception and a brand’s performance relative to sustainability. It is also known for having created, an international online exchange and resource about brand marketing and branding. For more information on Interbrand, visit For more than 30 years we have been creating retail brand experiences for companies around the world. Interbrand Design Forum’s talent for game-changing innovation spurred us to create a business model that integrates analytics-based strategy into what began as a design and architecture group — the first and only company with such a comprehensive offering. Our broad range of services includes: retail design, brand strategy, shopper sciences, packaging, digital, documentation and rollout. This unique ability to address retail’s growing complexity has led many of the world’s top companies to our doorstep and propelled Interbrand Design Forum to the forefront of...

Words: 24571 - Pages: 99

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...0 Mälardalen University MIMA-International Business and Entrepreneurship School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology EFO705 Master Thesis The internationalization process of Red Bull from the perspectives of global expansion Group 2263: Karakawat Sarasalin 830117 Thitiporn Watthanachai 831031 Supervisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire 23rd November 2009 1 Abstract Date: 23rd November, 2009 Level: Master Thesis in International Business and Entrepreneurship (EFO705), 15 credits Authors: Karakawat Sarasalin (830117-T255) Thitiporn Watthanachai (831031-T124) Title: The internationalization process of Red Bull from the perspectives of global expansion Supervisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire Problem Statement: How did RED BULL manage to be as an important central international market player? Purpose: The purpose of this research is to describe the internationalization process of Red Bull; how Red Bull created, sustained and developed? Method: We mainly use secondary data and the qualitative data. Qualitative data in the form of interview questions through e-mailing. But we also use quantitative method based on documental research from books and internet. Conclusion: Red Bull does not follow the standard pattern of establishment chain presented in the Uppsala model. Its establishment chain is composed of three stages: licensing ,wholly owned sales subsidiaries and jointed venture...

Words: 14443 - Pages: 58

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Louis Vuitton in Japan

...Executive Summary The aim of this paper is to discuss the key strategic issues that LVMH faced in Japan and established some future recommendations that can be implemented in order for LVMH to remain successful in the luxury industry. In order to determine the key strategic issues a number of analysis tools were applied to the case study; they include Porter's 5 forces model and SWOT analysis. Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, a luxury goods provider is looking to expand their brand dominance in Japan. In the Japanese, LVMH has to deal with economical and cultural uncertainties, the threat of counterfeit products and the relatively high competition, and finally changing tastes of Japanese consumers. LVMH should use their core competencies and limit their weaknesses to overcome the challenges that face the company in Japan. To face their first challenge of economical and cultural, as well as changing tastes uncertainties, the company can hire new designers to develop Asian inspired products. They could also embed the European way of living into the Asian lifestyle. The challenge of eliminating counterfeit products can be combated by creating a unique shopping experience for LV’s customers, and shutting down large counterfeit operations, by cooperating with Chinese and Korean Government Agencies in reducing counterfeit products. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Weak economy 5 Changing taste 7 Competitors 8 Competition – Porter’s 5 forces analysis...

Words: 6216 - Pages: 25