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Multiple Myeloma Case Study

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Multiple Myeloma
Practical Apllication of dsdsd
Nikolitsa Vagenas
Azusa Pacific University

Case Study: Multiple Myeloma What is Multiple Myeloma? What is it Yiayia are you going to be okay? I remember saying these exact words after finding out that my grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer, this was about seven years ago. When she was first diagnosed with cancer, she made sure that the whole family knew right away and this took a toll on my family. Before this had all happened, my Yiayia, Greek for grandmother, knew she had multiple myeloma she complained about having back pain. We just assumed it was from her osteoporosis, which causes bones to become fragile (Osteoporosis Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). …show more content…
Cleo Williams, recommend that she go to the doctors to get a compression fracture, which is caused by osteoporosis, and for cancer (Boden, 2005). Not long after the consult, she went to the doctors to have surgery for the compression fracture to prevent further pain that, “usually occurs in the front of the vertebra, collapsing the bone in the front of the spine and leaving the back of the same bone unchanged” (Boden 2005). While, the doctors were doing the compression fracture surgery they looked further into her spine and found she had early stages of multiple myeloma. The doctors then ran every test possible to see where the cancer cells were, so that they could locate and get rid before the cancer progressed any further (Vagenas, 2015). This came as a shock to everyone in our family but it had hit my grandmother the hardest, she fell into deep depression because of the constant fear that she would die at any moment. We then made the call to have her hospitalized they kept her there for week, and after being released, she started to attend group therapy twice a week. Now that she looks back she told me, “I noticed that my faith had grown …show more content…
Normal plasma cells are found in the bone marrow and are an important part for the immune system.” The prognosis for this cancer is to first identify if a person has predisposed symptoms and to have gotten tested to see what stage of cancer they are in. In a normal person, the normal functions of plasma cells are to help the body because they are an important part of the immune system (Multiple Myeloma Overview, 2014). As stated above, plasma cells are made of bone marrow, which is, “the spongy tissue inside some of the bones in the body, including the hip and thigh bones. Bone marrow contains immature cells, called stem cells” (Nichols, 2015). The plasma cells (bone marrow) make proteins, and these proteins are called antibodies, which then help kill germs (Multiple Myeloma Overview, 2014). What happens when you have multiple myeloma is there is a rapid growth of plasma cells and they grow out of control (Multiple Myeloma Overview, 2014). Then according to, “plasma cells also make an antibody protein, called M protein, that is not needed by the body and does not help fight infection. These antibody proteins build up in the bone marrow and can cause the blood to thicken or can damage the kidneys.” There are various tests that can be done to find out if a person has multiple myeloma. In my grandmother’s case, they ran every test possible to make sure the cancer had not

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