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Multitask While Driving

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In the article, they defined how distracted drivers can be highly impacted if their trying to multitask while driving. This research concludes how well drivers are able to drive when having a conversation on a cell phone, a conversation with a passenger and when driving without any problems or distractions. In the beginning of the article, it talks about the 3 levels of performance that a person can specialize if their trying to multitask, like talking on a cell phone. For an example in the article “Passenger and Cell Phone Conversations in Simulated Driving” states that the vehicle could drift to the side on the street, this shows that driver tries to multitask like conversing on a cell phone, the driver’s won’t be able to stay focus on the …show more content…
Another assumption is that driving with a cell phone put the driver more at risk than driving and conversing with a passenger. For an example "The authors found that the use of a cell phone while driving significantly situation awareness and significantly increased the perceived mental workload relative to no cell phone and adaptive control conditions" (Drews and Strayer). Also, the passenger aware the surrounding of the traffic, and respond to the differences in the driving rush. This act can be explicit, for example by implying to traffic dangers or even more implicit by watching the conversational flow in response to increased difficulty of the driving procedure. This is a simple understanding of the potential dangers of traffic and the driving …show more content…
In the passenger conversation condition, 11 female and 10 male participated ages from 18-26. The table showed that the drivers in the cell phone condition were four times more likely to fail at task completion rather than drivers in the passenger condition. The conversations that participants held also affected their driving performance. For example table 3 “Mean and Standard Deviations for Production Complexity for Driver and Passenger in Both Experimental Condition and Low Demand and Moderate Demand Driving Scenarios.” (Page 398) with this saying both driver and the passenger share the awareness of the surrounding

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