Premium Essay



Submitted By 010801932
Words 746
Pages 3
Why Do You Want to Work at McDonald's?
I want to work for McDonald's to not only help myself but also to help my family. My mother has been sick and unable to work so I want to show how much I appreciate all that she does and help out with the bills. Also I heard that McDonalds is a great place to move up quickly in. I enjoy working, expecially in a fast paced enviorment, and I love making people smile, with a great team that McDonalds has to offer. I would love to work for this company.

Are you a Leader or Follower?
Mcdonald's is very big in team working so if they ask you this question your best bet is to say "I am a leader when needed but I can also work well with others in a team environment."

Why McDonalds?
I want to work here for the work experience in a busy environment.

Why work at McDonald's?
I'd like to join in your company to improve my ability. I'm willing to learn.

Why Do You Want to Work at McDonald's?
I've always been interested in cooking and I thought working at McDonalds will be a great start and experience for me to learn the skills I need to be successful.

Quick Learner
I'm being honest. I've never worked anywhere and I think that McDonalds is somewhere I could start. I'm twenty years old and need a career path. I catch on easily and learn quickly. My qualities are that I am out-going, willing, and I have paticence. I am low on cash times and need to get a job.

Working at McDonald's
I want to work at McDonald's because I want to excel in your company and hopefully get hired.

Why do you want to work at Mcdonald's
I want to work at McDonald's because I want to excel in your company and hopefully stay with it and get a position in higher management.

1. What can you tell us about McDonald’s?
McDonald’s is the largest fast food chain restaurant in the world.
McDonald’s sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken, French

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