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My Dream Job


Submitted By poochay24
Words 326
Pages 2
My Best Friend

We may be able to have a hundred or a thousand friends, or even more. But there is only one friend who really has loyalty on you if you really think about it, that is best friend.
My best friend is my best partner for living my life. His name is _, and I used to call him__. He is someone who really knows me deeply. He knows the characteristic of me, from the outside and even inside of me. Someone who is able to feel my mood. He knows when I feel happy and when I feel very sad. He is also sad when I look sad, and he is also happy when I feel happy. Someone who knows how to respond any kind of my mood, he knows how to comfort me. Someone who is always there for me. He is there when I am happy and he is also there when I feel facing failure. Someone who is able to understand me the most. There is no relative between us, but there are many similarities in our characteristics. He is like me and I am also like him. The similar characteristics have given an ease for us to be able to understand each other. He is someone who is faithful and always taking care of me. He is a nice person, a friend who is able to share each other, in joy and sorrow. Someone who is always there and always supporting me for reaching what I want. Someone who is able to make me feel comfort if I take life with him and feel easy to fight any kind of life problems. But it is different if I am alone without him; everything seems too difficult to fight.
He is my best friend, someone who is able to balance my life. As if he was someone who had been sent by God for completing my life to

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