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My Favourite Food


Submitted By lycoris
Words 330
Pages 2
My favorite food is 'Sushi' because I can diversely eat it. Sushi is a Japanese representative food. There are made of Flying-fish roe, shrimp, fatty tuna, egg, squid, and so on. They softly melt in our mouth and each has unique taste.

Flying-fish roe sushi, called Tobiko, has the best taste bursting with snaps in our mouth. Flying Fish eggs, orange or red-orange in color and crunchy. Used on the outside of inside-out rolls or orange rolls. When I was young, I can't eat flying-fish roe sushi because it is a creepy sensation. But one day on TV, I saw the people who eat with gusto roe sushi. It looks very delicious! So, in sushi bar I sampled the roe sushi and found it very wonderful! After that time, flying-fish roe sushi became my favorite thing.

Fried bean curd sushi is general sushi. I enjoy eating fried bean curd sushi in ordinary time because it is delicious and simple. Mother often make fried bean curd sushi in lunch box. Egg sushi, called Tamago, is egg omelet. It taste sweet and light. In Japan, it is the trademark of each chef. Often potential customers in Japan will ask for a taste of the Tamago in order to judge the chef's proficiency.

Squid sushi has a translucent white appearance. Sliced thinly and usually served with a strong Wasabi between the fish and the rice, that I can see peeking through the translucent squid. Like this, sushi is a special food making the respective taste with diverse stuffs.

Seaweed food is my favorite food, too. I absolutely love it. My family also love the seaweed. So, we go to seafood restaurant once a month. Seaweed is healthy for the body, easy to digest and delicious, of course. Soft roast fish and refreshing sea tangle is delicious, too. The most important thing is seaweed food is good for a diet. Along with that, its price is reasonable.

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