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My First Burn Memory Analysis

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The dictionary defines a memory as the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions. To me memories are more than recalling experiences they are what have shaped me into the person I am today. I have welcoming memories which help me get through the dreadful ones, yet each passing memory is for one reason: to make me stronger.
Memories are forgotten as easily as they are made. To lock in memories people buy t-shirts on vacations or take a picture in front of a street sign that says ¨Welcome to . . . ¨ for all the states driven through. People keep memories in ways that are valuable to them, but I have a unique way of holding onto my memories. The ones that impact me the most I seal in a braclet known as a burn on or a piece of string that when burned onto …show more content…
My first burn on impacted me in a way that is hard to put in words. Today I am part of a club called leaders club where I can be my crazy self no matter what happens. Three years ago I never thought I would be saying those words. I walked into a room filled with people unfamiliar to me and sounds of laughter. All of it seemed great yet overwhelming. Shy me was in a room with so many enthusiastic people who were confident in themselves. It was like putting oil in water. I just didn't seem to mix in with the rest. I vividly remember quickly trying to sit down against the wall away from the chaos, but before I made it halfway a stubby man with bulging blue eyes said ¨welcome to leaders club!¨ He held out a piece of red and black string, cut it to fit my wrist, and lit both sides with a lighter. The whole thing made me nervous but if I ¨don't move

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