Premium Essay

Nation Building


Submitted By lforlalaland
Words 410
Pages 2
Essay Question:

“In the fifty years since 1965, sustained economic growth and the presence of a strong military have successfully built a Singapore nation. These two factors will continue to be fundamental to Singapore’s future success as a nation.” Discuss.

Ho Chi Tim
1 October 2015


1. Write a 1,200-word argumentative essay in response to the question posed above. (This is a research essay. Your position and assertions must be supported with appropriate examples. The lecture readings will be a helpful starting point).

2. Submission deadline: 30 October (Friday), 6.00pm. Submissions received after the deadline may be subjected to a penalty.

3. For a complete submission, you must submit a hardcopy and a softcopy of your essay.

4. Softcopy must be uploaded into the IVLE workbin, i.e. the relevant sub-folder marked by your tutorial group number (e.g. GO1, D2, E3 etc.) under the “Essay Two” folder. Label your file in the following format: Name-Tutorial Group-CA2.

5. Hardcopy should be submitted to your tutor, either during tutorials or placed in his/her mailbox at the History Department, AS1 Level 5.

6. We have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of academic dishonesty, i.e. “any misrepresentation with the intent to deceive, or failure to acknowledge the source, or falsification of information, or inaccuracy of statements..., or inappropriate use of resources....” (Taken from NUS Code of Student Conduct. Do browse the web resources provided at the end of the section. If in doubt, contact your tutor or the module coordinator).

7. University regulations now stipulate that at the end of your paper, you should include a written and signed declaration that you have completed this assignment on your own. The signed declaration should read:

“I acknowledge that this research essay is the product of my own work and research. All

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