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National Honor Society Essay Examples

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I am deeply honored to be invited to join National Honor Society. This is something that I never heard of, but after understanding the organizations I am looking forward to be a part of NHS. I would be excited to join such a society because it will allow me to grow as a person, and give as much as I can for others. I believe that I am qualify to become a member of the NHS because I work hard and I possess the qualities of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
I consider myself a scholar because I always aim to be the best in everything I do. I work hard and I strive for excellence in all of my classes. I also like to challenge myself, such as getting out of my comfort zone, taking honor classes and AP classes to build more knowledge. I make sure that …show more content…
I have volunteered in Kids Food Basket last year, I also did service outside of school like babysitting kids in Moms group, and tutor the daughter of my mom’s friends. I help prepare Christmas Cantata envelopes and help pass it out in detroit. I want to do whatever I can for the society. I never had the chance to volunteer in other places and I think this is the chance for me to volunteer in new places. I strongly believes that it is more blessed to give than receive. I believe that NHS service pillars definitely applies to me. In addition to service, I believe leadership also applies to me. Being a leadership takes humility, love, wisdom, patience, hospitable, self-control and self-confidence. It does not mean to boss people around, but instead listening to others, and having trust and faith in other people. I show my leadership at my sunday school groups and at my church. I volunteer every sunday to teach the kids. I take part in many activities for the youth group, and as I participate in activities where I am the leader, I make sure that we all feel comfortable and act as a team. To me leadership is mostly about listening and working

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