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Nature vs Nurture Issue


Submitted By Kstockton000
Words 278
Pages 2
Kristina Stockton
Nature-Nurture Issue

I believe it is flawed to ask how much of a particular behavior is due to genetics and how much is due to experience, because there is really no way of telling where a person’s behavior came from. I personally believe that a person’s behavior is determined by both, but more of experience. So therefore, nature and nurture plays a role in a person’s behavior. A person may be born with the same behavioral patterns as their parents, but it might take a certain experience to make the behavior come forth. A person may inherit genes of anger issues or may have the alcoholic gene in their blood. What people experience makes a huge difference on their behavior, because people have different values, morals, and ethical beliefs. They may change their personality based on the good experiences and bad experiences in their life. It is appropriate to separate the contributions of genetics and experience when measuring the development of differences among individuals because every individual carries different genes and is also raised differently. There is really no way of judging what factors will affect behavior in a person, because everyone experiences different things. Nature and nurture will always be an issue, because there is no way of telling what affects a person more. We are all different and I don’t believe that we are suppose to figure out why we are the way we are, because that is going to lead to more scientists cloning and more people paying to change their genetics. The world would be a mess if this was to happen, because there would be no diversity

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