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Negative Effects Of Obamacare

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Second, many have scrutinized President Obama for various reasons, but the statics show that he has actually attributed to the economy’s revitalization over the last eight years. President Obama took his positon right after the 2008 recession and all of the numbers suggest that we are completely out of a recession. There are many factors that have contributed to this turn around, but Obamacare can be labeled as one of the most important on the issue of creating jobs. According to Adam Sampson (2017) Obamacare has resulting in over 3 trillion dollars of spending in health care and has created over 5 million jobs in the health care industry. This type of dramatic influx of jobs is similar to the New Deal in the early 1900’s when the government …show more content…
The majority of these jobs were related to Obamacare, but the private sector has only seen their jobs increase by 6 percent. This means that jobs not related to health care aren’t making any significant progress and that can be attributed to Obamacare. As I stated before the new regulations have forced employers to carry less full time employees and more part time employees. This is not good for the economy because part time jobs aren’t enough to provide for a family. According to Paul Davidson (2016) there are over 7.8 million people who work multiple jobs to survive; before 2010 this number was at 300,000. This number is a good indicator to see how Obamacare has directly affected employee work schedules and personal finances. This also illustrates employers’ unwillingness to provide health care for its employees. Since this law has forced employers to scale back and downsize; Obamacare has been viewed as counterproductive. On one side it has created millions of jobs for the health care industry, provided 22 million people “affordable” health care; on the other side it has hurt jobs in other industries, and created financial hardship for another portion of …show more content…
The issue of health care in the United States played an essential role in President Donald Trump winning the presidential race. Hilary Clinton had expressed that she wanted to add on the law and Donald Trump expressed that he wanted to repeal the law. Obviously voters must have agreed with Donald Trump because he conveniently won the race. A large majority of the voter for President Trump are covered by Obamacare and have benefited from the new law. This leads to the question of “why vote for Donald Trump if you gain insurance because of the ACA?” It is not clear, but recently many of the voters and American people have changed their mind about Obamacare. Including Donald Trump his self, who has changed his stand of totally repealing the Act, to reforming the program and improving its effectiveness. In a recent interview on Fox when President Trump was asked about the ACA he said “yes, in the process and maybe it’ll take till sometime into next year but we’re certainly going to be in the process…Very complicated”. This is the President acknowledging that the processes of un-insuring g 22 million people isn’t as easy as he campaigned. He has also stated that he plans to keep some aspects of Obamacare intact and reform others that don’t

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