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Networking Protocols and Port Numbers


Submitted By phollister84
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Networking Protocols and Port Numbers


Networking Protocols and Port Numbers

Video calls or teleconferencing are made possible with the use of some widely used networking protocols. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a protocol that sends a datagram in its entirety from the host to the desired destination. This protocol is used when processing time needs to be lessened. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used when processing time is not as important. This protocol sends a message in packets. Each packet travels to the desired destination but may not arrive at the same time. The destination device puts the packets in order based on the header information. Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a protocol that sends data without the guarantee that all packets will be received. When dealing with streaming multimedia it is not necessary to have each frame of the communication for the broadcast to be understood by the recipient. As long as the majority of the transmission is received the video feed is recognizable.

• What is a troubleshooting model? Describe how you would use a troubleshooting model to resolve a user’s inability to connect to the Internet from a physically connected networked laptop in an office. What protocols are used in this situation to connect a networked laptop to the Internet?

A troubleshooting model is a series of tasks designed to reduce a problem into more manageable steps. To resolve a user’s inability to connect to the Internet from a physically connected network a series of steps would determine the cause of the problem. • Identify how the laptop should connect to the network • Review the topology used in the network or the portion of the network • Recognize the issues • If possible talk to the user and ask the correct questions • Establish a method of resolution • Document the process Knowing how the laptop connects to the network will help in resolving the issue. If the device connects through an Ethernet cable or wirelessly makes an impact on the course of action. Reviewing the topology of the network or the portion of the network the device connects to will help in understanding where the issue originates from. Depending on the network topology the issue may be caused by another device. It is important to recognize the issues. If this is the only device having the problem it is most likely a problem with the device itself. If other devices are experiencing the same issue it is most likely an error with the network or a network device, such as a router, switch, or a hub. Talking to the user can be very helpful. The user may know when the issue became apparent. The user may have changed the settings of the laptop. Asking the right questions can turn a time consuming problem into a quick fix. Establishing a method of resolving the issue can only be done after an investigation using the previous steps. Once the problem is resolved it is important to document the steps taken. This is done to expedite the troubleshooting process the next time the problem originates.

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