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Next Day Air Case


Submitted By an6848
Words 1066
Pages 5
Homework Assignment 4 (20 pts) - Due Wednesday 11/14/2012 8:00am

Please complete the Next Day Air Case questions for Chapter 3 (handed out in class and posted to Blackboard) as per the instructions below: A, Complete Question 3 – noting that this is all for using dial-up modems. B. Complete Question 4. C. Complete Question 2 – as if you were were redesigning their network(s). D. Complete Question 5.

Post to the Assignments area of Blackboard, and bring a hardcopy to class to turn in.

Please turn in hardcopy at start of class in order to not lose any points for being late.

Ex e r c is e s 1 . Pres id en t Coon e is b a ffled a b ou t h ow d igita l in form a tion from a com p u ter ca n b e s en t over a n etwork con n ection . Prep a re a b rief p os ition p a p er for m a n a gem en t exp la in in g th e wa y in form a tion is tra n s ferred from on e com p u ter to a n oth er over d igita l lin es . Keep it s im p le. Be s u re to d es crib e th e typ es of d evices u s ed in d a ta tra n s m is s ion . In clu d e com m en ts on th e role of d a ta com p res s ion in in crea s in g tra n s m is s ion ra tes . J u s tify th e ob s erva tion th a t a s a gen era l ru le, it is b es t to p u rch a s e th e fa s tes t d evices you r com m u n ica tion s lin es ca n s u p p ort. 2 . As you b egin th in k in g a b ou t th e red es ign of th e n etwork , you rea lize th a t th ere a re va riou s typ es of m ed ia to ch oos e from . Wh ich m ed ia will you u s e in th e n etwork a n d wh ere will you u tilize th es e typ es ? 3 . Us in g th e n etwork th a t is b ein g red es ign ed will certa in ly s p eed d a ta tra n s fers con s id era b ly. Pres id en t Coon e is a m a zed to s ee th a t a n em a il m es s a ge with a la rge a tta ch m en t ca n b e s en t in a m a tter of s econ d s

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