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Niels Bohr


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Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr 1885 – 1962:
Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark on October 7, 1885 and died November 18, 1962. Bohr was best known as the Danish physicist who won 1922’s Nobel Prize. His father was Christian Bohr, Professor of Physiology at Copenhagen University, and his mother was Ellen Bohr. For recreational activity, he was a passionate football player.
Niels Bohr Education:
In 1903, he entered Copenhagen University to study physics. He received his Master's degree in Physics in 1909 and his Doctor's degree in 1911. While still a student he was awarded a gold medal from the Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, for his "experimental and theoretical investigation of the surface tension by means of oscillating fluid jets."
Professional Work & Awards:
As a post-doctoral student, Niels Bohr worked under J. J. Thomson at Trinity College, Cambridge and studied under Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester, England. Inspired by Rutherford's theories of atomic structure, Bohr published his revolutionary model of atomic structure in 1913.
In 1916, Niels Bohr became a professor of physics at the University of Copenhagen. In 1920, he was named director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University. In 1922, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for recognition of his work on the structure of atoms and quantum mechanics. In 1926, Bohr became a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and received the Royal Society Copley Medal in 1938. He contirbuted to science and physcis.

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