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Nightmare Research Papers

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“Dreams are only thoughts you didn't have time to think about during the day.” (Unknown Author). Many researchers have found interest in the topic of dreaming and have pursued many topics in their research. There are many different components that are involved in why we dream, how to understand our dreams and the possibilities of remembering our dreams. Despite opposing viewpoints, research proves that everyone does dream and if we understand how our dreams work, then it will have a positive effect on our well-being. “There are many theories about why we dream, but no one knows for sure.” (Karriem-Norwood). The two main theories as to why we dream is, “ To represent unconscious desires and wishes [and] To consolidate and process information …show more content…
Nightmares are most common to be dreamed during the REM cycle of sleep. In the REM cycle, the dreamer is unable to move because all moving functions in the body are shut off during this stage of sleep. Nightmares can be the result of our minds and bodies dealing with change, stress or emotions. Children can be the most vulnerable to nightmares because they have more things that scare them than adults do. What the children do not know yet, such as that all of the monsters and characters they are exposed to are not real. If the same nightmare keeps recurring in your sleep, that could be your mind telling you something is wrong. Most nightmares create the sense of vulnerability in the dreamer and that sense helps to create the feeling that the dreamer is helpless to do or change anything. “”Recurring nightmares will keep coming back to force you to pay attentions to something important in your emotional life.”” (Karriem-Norwood). “Keep in mind that no matter how scary a nightmare is, it is not real and most likely will not happen to you in real life.” (Karriem-Norwood). The top seven things that nightmares are often caused by are, “Stress, conflict, fear, trauma, emotional problems, medication and drug use, [and/or some] illnesses.” (Karriem-Norwood). People that suffer from chronic nightmares are much more likely to be more sensitive people and not be their normal selves in everyday their everyday

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