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Nt1430 Unit 1 Excercises


Submitted By freedompop210
Words 328
Pages 2
Unit 1 Exercises

Chapter 1.

1. Free software is user can uses software at no charge. The characteristics of free software are no cost, full version, no expiration.
4. Free software Foundation/GNU is free to redistribute, modify, and study it. Linux is operating system developed through the cooperation of numerous people around the world, is product of the internet and is a free operating system. Linux provides UNIX and GNU. Linus Torvalds helps refine Linux system.
Chapter 2.
1. The process installing Fedora/RHEL:
a. Make sure the BIOS is set to boot from DVD drive.
b. Check installation medium.
c. Creates RAM disk uses in place of the hard disk.
d. Configure system.
e. Writes the operating system files to the hard disk.
f. Completing installation on boot up.
g. Ready to use.
Chapter 3.
1. Live system can run on computer without installing Linux on the computer. Live system does not require installation and hard drive.
4. The /boot partition should be on first partition on hard drive.
8. Fedora system start X by default when enters runlevel 5 (graphical environment).

Chapter 11.
1. Single-user mode has only the system console is enabled. Multi-user mode has all appropriate file systems are mounted, users can log in from all connected terminals, dial-up lines, and network connections.
3 The su command, also referred to as substitute user, super user, or switch user, allows a computer operator to change the current user account associated with the running virtual console. I can log in as Zach with su because su had root privileges. When run from the command line, su asks for the target user's password, and if authenticated, grants the operator access to that account and the files and directories that account is permitted to access.
7. The password characters should be substitute with similar pronoun or look. For example: O with 0, a with @, S with $, you with U, English with foreign language.

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