Free Essay

Nt2580 Week 2 Forum


Submitted By blakkazuma
Words 534
Pages 3
Research the following questions and then discuss the questions with your classmates on the forum: * What is the purpose of security policies, and why do organizations need clear and concise policies for the proper use of employer-owned equipment and services? * What is the importance of an effective acceptable use policy (AUP) for a user and an employer?
Be sure to include examples from your research to substantiate your responses.

Participation Requirements:
Discussion forums improve the online learning process by allowing students to engage in meaningful discourse. You can increase your participation grade by following these guidelines: * You should post your responses to the above questions and then respond to a minimum of two of your classmates' posts. Take a position on each question and justify your opinion on the basis of the textbook, the lesson, documents found in the ITT Tech Virtual Library, and your personal or professional experience. The quality of your submissions is a critical element in the evaluation process. Your submissions should not be of the type that state "I agree" or "Good post" as these responses neither have substance nor give any new information for a productive discussion. * If possible, share your own subject-related job experience. Remember, the goal is to learn from the experience of others. * Post your initial reply earlier in the week to maximize the opportunity for thoughtful exchanges between you and your classmates.
Evaluation Criteria:
Click here to view the forum rubric that will be used to evaluate you in this assessment.
Security policy is a document that states in writing how a company plans to protect the company's physical and information technology assets. The purpose of this document is to ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to protect corporate information and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems. e. A company's security policy may include an acceptable use policy, a description of how the company plans to educate its employees about protecting the company's assets, an explanation of how security measurements will be carried out and enforced, and a procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of the security policy to ensure that necessary corrections will be made.
While monitoring has been an effective tool in identifying abusers and cyber-slackers, Human Resources experts, as well as the courts agree that it needs to be accompanied by evidence of a “duty of care intended to reduce unacceptable employee activity
The importance of an AUP is the “code of conduct” governing the behavior of a user while the user is connected to the network or the Internet. The policy must be non-discriminatory and it must have prohibited all forms of non-business related communications.
Yes a good security policy will also protect the employee. a employee have been held responsible and liable for their actions in the workplace, the presence of policies prohibiting such actions has served as a liability shield that can completely or partially protect that company from lawsuits arising actions from employee acting in contravention of the policies.
Granting the staff use of the Internet can lead to their viewing inappropriate content, racist and violent content. These activities can put legal pressure on an organization, leading to possible criminal prosecution

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