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Nursing Home


Submitted By denaro64
Words 431
Pages 2
Although it is easy to see why elders are often relegated to lower status positions or even abused or neglected, that does not make such actions either excusable or acceptable. Elder abuse is defined as any form of mistreatment that results in harm or loss inflicted on an older person. Physical abuse includes any physical behavior towards an elder that is violent towards that person (e.g., assault, battery, inappropriate restraint). Included in physical abuse is domestic violence, or any action by one member of a family that causes physical harm to one or more members of his/her family. Domestic violence is typically an escalating pattern of violence by a spouse or intimate partner in which violence is used to express power and exert control over the other person. However, in cases where the elder is being taken care of by a family member, domestic violence can be perpetrated by the caregiver relative (e.g., adult child) toward the elder, as well. Another common type of elder abuse is emotional or psychological abuse. This category of abuse includes verbal or other nonphysical behavior that is violent toward or demeaning or invasive of another person. Psychological abuse is the intentional infliction of mental or emotional anguish through the use of threats, humiliation or shaming, emotional control, withholding of affection or financial support, or other verbal or nonverbal means. Abuse toward an elder can also be sexual in nature. Specifically, sexual abuse is the violation or exploitation of another person by sexual means. For adults, sexual abuse includes all non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual abuse can arise in relationships of trust (e.g., between a caregiver and the person being cared for). In addition to these fairly well-known types of abuse, an elder can also be the victim of financial abuse. This type of abuse includes any behavior that financially

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