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Nursing Vision


Submitted By jweaver8547
Words 1011
Pages 5
Leadership Vision
A vision is an expression of a desired or passionate service one wants to achieve, which draws on ones innermost potential. It identifies what you are doing, why you are doing it and what you would like to do or see materialize in the future and the reason for that materialization. As leaders, in the healthcare industry, we all have visions that we would like to implement in order to improve the healthcare system we work and live in. “Nurses are central to the mission of promoting optimal levels of health and functional status. Information needs are constant and evolving; health professionals must be responsive and ready with facts and resources”, (Fetter, 1997). Nurses are not only patient caretakers but we are educators, as well. Therefore, one of my visions is for nurses to take on a more active role as a patient educator in efforts to prevent exacerbation, hospitalization and re-hospitalization. As a result of introducing this vision, patients will have a) improved quality of life, b) decreased exacerbation, hospitalization and re-hospitalization, c) increased knowledge and understanding of their disease, d) improved dignity and self esteem, and e) patients will have more autonomy in their care.
In order for one to implement ones vision, there are many key concepts that need to be considered and put into place which should incorporate the importance and the impact these concepts will have on the vision. Communicating to patients about the specific disease, diagnosis and the risks involved. Patients need to be educated on the diagnosis, why they are at risk, what factors constitute risk, why are particular patients more at risk and how can risk be minimized. For example, patients who have Kidney Disease need to be educated on what is Kidney Disease, what organs of the body is affected by Kidney Disease, where the kidney is located and what its function is. The function of the kidney is a filtration system. The kidney filtrates the blood, excretes waste and extra water to produce urine. If the kidney is unable to perform this function, as a result, toxicity takes place which could result in kidney damage and death could occur.
Communication is very important when dealing with education. Communication empowers the patient and their families to be more aggressive in monitoring their condition. Patients need to have knowledge of diagnostic testing and its importance. Signs and symptoms are early indications of a disease. Patients need to become knowledgeable of these signs and symptoms to prevent long-term complications, hospitalization and to facilitate early treatment. Because some diseases manifest no signs and symptoms, it is important for patients and their families to be educated regarding the importance of testing. “Kidney disease is often called a “silent” disease because most people have no symptoms until their kidneys are about to fail. The only way to know if you have kidney disease is to get tested. The sooner kidney disease is found, the sooner you can take steps to begin treatment and keep your kidneys healthier longer”, (National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP).
For example, patients who have been diagnosed with any respiratory problem such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), once they begin to cough (which is a symptom), they can identify that symptom and be treated with cough medication, a bronchodilator and/or prophylactic antibiotics. If this is not treated, it can develop into Pneumonia which can cause further complications and hospitalization. Patients, with any disease, can have blood or urine tests which help identify early stages of the disease and should be educated and provided with information regarding testing options. Once a urine test is completed, if protein is evident in the urine that is an indication of damage to filters in the kidney. If the kidney is not functioning properly, then the body is not filtering out excess waste which results in toxicity and eventually, if not treated, death.
Patients should understand and be educated on the progression of their disease and the treatment necessary in order to maintain a better quality of life. For example, patients suffering with heart problems need to understand the disease process which entails the function of the heart, etiology, what the heart is responsible for, that heart damage is irreversible yet treatable and with proper diet, exercise and medication, they can live a healthy life preventing exacerbation, complications and hospitalization. Eating healthy, exercising, and taking medications, as prescribed by their physician, are major treatments for patients with heart disease. Patients who have gained knowledge and adhere to the prescribed treatments, again, will have decreased their risk of hospitalization, thereby increasing their quality of life. Nurses need to educate patients on other resources in relation to their disease, such as American Kidney Association, American Heart Association or any organization that deals with their specific disease, which can provide additional information and support on a continual basis. According to Redwood, education improves socio-economic status, helps to reduce exposure to disease, plays a vital role in securing access to health and disease prevention and is essential in motivating and persuading us to adopt healthy lifestyles.
In conclusion, by implementing a vision by which nurses are not only caretakers but educators, patients will no longer feel that they are held hostage by the disease and its course. As a result of educating patients, they will obtain a better quality of life, have increased knowledge and understanding of their disease, improved dignity and self esteem, and patients will have more autonomy in their care. The end product will be decreased exacerbation, hospitalization and re-hospitalization which makes my vision complete. References
Fetter, M. S. (1997). Patient-family-community education: no longer frills. MedSurg Nursing.
Retrieved January 12, 2011 from
National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP). (2010). Health Professionals: Four Key Concepts for Kidney Disease Education. Retrieved January 12, 2011 from Redwood, H. (2009). Patients’ Health and Education: How Strong Is the Link? Health and Age.
Retrieved January 13, 2011 from

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