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Ocean Ice Changes

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How will the planet change without Artic sea ice? It’s a question that has been asked around and scientist have come up with an answer. Scientist are saying that by midcentury, the Arctic coastline and most of the Arctic Ocean will be devoid of sea ice. Which means that we will have an additional 60 days to some regions having 100 days more open water. These events will have affects on the Arctic environment, it could mainly change the aspects of the polar ecosystem and affect the lives of those that live in the region. The sea ice in the Arctic or the frozen ocean water has been known to increase and decrease depending on the time of year but since 1979 when scientists have had the ability to study the Arctic they have seen a sharp decline in its extent.

Researchers from the University of Colorado, Boulder, have focused on four coastal areas. The coastal areas include Drew Point, along Alaska’s North Slope; the Laptev Sea, along …show more content…
One of the researches named Barnhart has become interested in the future number of sea ice –free days. Since her time at one of the regions Dew Point she has focused on coastal erosion. The erosion rates have increased to 50 and 65 feet per year this has been caused by interaction of the Beaufort Sea and the coast. The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) have reported that this year has been the fourth lowest extent of ice and that the melting of the ice started earlier than ever before. The Director of NSIDC has said that with the summers being the way they have recently has reinforced the conclusions the Arctic sea ice is at a major decline and that we will soon have ice free oceans. Since these climate changes have been happening eight nations have established the Arctic Coast Guard Forum. The nations include Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia and the United

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