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Submitted By dfy8888
Words 446
Pages 2
1 What are the key communication issues for Odwalla?
The key communication issue for Odwalla is the communication with the public. After the incident Odewalla Company should not only come forward to hold a press conference to release news, and a TV interview announced to provide the latest progress of the event to the public.

2 How can communication strategy focus on retaining customer confidence?
Williamson created the crisis communication plan which was applying the last few corrections to a press release before faxing it to PR Newswire. After the incident, CEO Williamson ordered a full recall of all juice products, which had to be completed within 48 hours. After the pathogenic source confirmed, according to TV interviews Odwalla expressed sympathy and regret for affected consumers and also announced to pay all medical expenses. The decisive measures Odewalla had to take showed the responsibility of the company and could help them to retaining customer confidence.

3 Does Odwalla appear to have an effective crisis management system in place?
Odwalla appeared to have a crisis management system in place. CEO Williamson applied the crisis communication plan which was created by his communication director. Apology through conference press and TV interviews and recalls are effective measures for crisis management.

4 How should a company such as Odwalla go about developing guidelines before a crisis?
A company such as Odwalla should go developing guidelines for a crisis plan that include the following steps before a crisis takes place. The plan should include apology from the company, explaining the incident, identify the cause of the risk, implement actions such as recalls and responses to FDA and customers who were affected, and create a hotline between company and customers for communication.
5 Does a company such as Odwalla have a responsibility to

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