Premium Essay

Odysseus In The Odyssey: A Hero

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To me a hero is someone who is brave and will risk their life for others. I believe that Odysseus in the Odyssey is a hero. He won the Trojan war and he was heading home when the gods and goddesses played a game and he and his men got trapped on islands. In this essay i'm going to say how Odysseus was a hero. I am also going to mention three islands, The island of the cyclops, The island of the lotus eaters, and Hades. First I'm going to talk about the island of the cyclops. Odysseus and his men got to the island and everything looked normal until a cyclops trapped them in his cave. So Odysseus had to think and fast. He became a leader and planed to blind the cyclops instead of killing him. That worked now he had to think how to get out.

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