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Oi/361 Definitions Paper


Submitted By Portero11
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Definitions Paper
Organizations are under a constant battle to survive. Maintaining a competitive advantage will help an organization with profitability and achieving long-term success. Innovation, creativity, and design are three processes used by organizations to maintain a competitive advantage. Innovation, creativity, and design are vital components to maintaining a competitive advantage because all are part of creating new ideas or improving on existing products or services.
The concept of innovation can have several meanings dependent upon the individual or group defining the processes. Innovation consists of two components, creativity and implementation. An innovator uses a creative process to construct an idea, and then the implementation process is used to bring the idea to life. Implementation refers to putting something in place and is composed of three components; idea, selection, and development. Creativity is also a part of the implementation process, devising the idea to be implemented is part of the creative process. The implementation process should be well organized, and a plan from beginning to end should be clearly laid out.
Design is thought of in numerous ways; many well-known dictionaries contain multiple definitions of design. Stam defines design “as the conscious decision-making process by which information, as an idea, is transformed into an outcome, be it tangible or intangible (Stam, 2003).” Design is important to organizations when deciding what new products will be developed.
Creativity is “the act of coming up with an idea, is an inherently individual act – it is the development of an idea and the implementation where the team is needed (Stam, 2003).” Some individuals are more creative than other; creativity can be taught if an organization has the right environment and proper training. To be creative, and individual should have knowledge of the task at hand, be motivated. Innovation, design, and creative can have different meanings, these components may also be related when an organizations goal it to obtain competitive advantage. Starting with creativity, it is a component that is part of both the innovation and design processes. Creating thinking is required when innovative ideas are considered. When formulating design, creativity is component of the design process. Design is used in both the innovation and creative processes. As previously noted, implementation is part of the innovation definition. A successful implementation must be clear and concise; therefore, a well thought out design is required.
Innovative people act in a different way, innovative thinkers are constantly thinking of new ideas. “Creativity is about being different, thinking laterally, and making new connections (Stam, 2003).” Creativity is a process that can be learned; with proper training, education, and knowledge. Innovation is not a process that can be learned through training and education. Creativity is a concept of innovation, and can be considered part of innovation.
To conclude, in order to maintain a competitive advantage, organizations need to think ahead. Products and services need to be reviewed and forecasting should occur to determine the longevity of existing products or services. Organizations should use innovation, creativity, and design to develop new products and services or to advance current products and services to achieve long term success.

Stam, B. (2003). Managing Innovation, Design, and Creativity. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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