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Old Testament Bible Summaries


Submitted By AClark141
Words 901
Pages 4
Angela Clark
BIBL 104
April 23, 2012
Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books

The book of Judges is a historical narrative. This book is about God’s faithfulness with Israel’s apostasy. Judges was written to show us the consequences of disobedience to God and the necessity of summoning a righteous king who would lead the people to God. Judges reveal that the people of Israel started their disobedience against God even in the time of Joshua. Israel’s disobedience had grown more serious and more debased over time. God had provided deliverers or judges time and time again so because His people kept falling away from Him. God had delivered Israel from oppression because of His promise to Abraham and his descendants. In the book of Judges it tells us that Israel establishes the cyclical pattern of sin, slavery, and salvation that would dominate the time of the judges. Judges also tells us that with each new outbreak of disobedience and idolatry it took Israel further away from God and deeper into sin and misery. At the end of Judges it tells us that Israel had violated its covenant with God in almost every imaginable way.

The book of Leviticus is a law genre. The purpose of Leviticus was to the Israelites how they could live in ritual and moral purity. When the Israelites maintained their purity, God could live among them and they could approach Him in worship. Every detailed regulation that is recorded in the book of Leviticus is a revelation from God through Moses for His people. With these laws, God had personally instructed the Israelites how to live before Him. Leviticus tells us about the sacrifices that are described that are for the atonement of sin. With the voluntary sacrifices had brought the people to fellowship and feast with God, their family, and others. Salvation is never earned; it is a gift from God’s grace appropriated by faith. Leviticus tells about the system of sacrifices, the ordination of priests, the laws concerning what is clean and unclean, the day of atonement (purification from moral uncleanness), the holiness code (the laws for holy living), and the redemption of gifts and tithes.

The book of Jeremiah is a prophecy genre. In Jeremiah it reveals the inner struggles of a prophet of God. Jeremiah fulfills his ministry of proclaiming God’s judgment against the people of Judah for their idolatry, their unfaithfulness to the covenant, and their obstinate disobedience of His will. Jeremiah tells us of the subscription (date of Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry), the call of Jeremiah, the covenant lawsuit (judgment on Judah and Jerusalem), Jeremiah as the prophet to the nations, and the fall of Jerusalem. Jeremiah had prophesied to the people of Judah that they will be exiled for seventy years. God also tells Jeremiah that Israel will be restored once they listen to Him. God also gave Jeremiah warnings about Egypt, the Philistines, Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Babylon. Since the warning was not headed and the covenant was broken, Jerusalem fell. Jeremiah’s ministry had covered a very critical time in the history of the ancient Middle East.

The book of Job is a wisdom genre. The book of Job explores all the traditional Middle Eastern explanations of the problem of the “righteous sufferer.” These include: (1) the inherent of sinfulness of the human race; (2) the accusation that God is unjust; and (3) the limitations of human understanding. Job was a righteous and rich man. In Job God and Satan have a confrontation regarding Job’s faith in God. God allows Satan to test Job by taking away his family, sheep, camels, and servants. The book of Job teaches us that the Lord is not bound to anyone’s preconceived theological system. The book of Job also records the troubling questions, the terrifying doubts, and the very real anguish of a sufferer. The book of Job can also help us in the time when we are surrounded with troubles by giving us a glimpse of God’s perspective on our suffering.

The book of Proverbs is a wisdom genre. The purpose and theme of this book is to give a course of instruction in wisdom, preparation for life, and the ways of life in God’s world. It also begins with the purpose of wisdom and discipline. It is about doing what is right, what is just and what is fair. The book of Job is more than a collection of tips and tricks, it also passes on a core of knowledge and experience that God says that we must have if we are to life successfully. In the book of Proverbs, its central idea is to: Fear of the Lord motivates us to obey God’s commandment, and obedience to them that constitutes true wisdom. Warnings are also given against adultery and folly and against adulteress. Much of this book also lists proverbs of Solomon. At the end of Proverbs it gives praise for a wife of noble character. Proverbs also include the invitation and instruction of wisdom; the sayings of the wise; further sayings of the wise; Solomon’s proverbs transcribed by Hezekiah’s men; the instruction of Agur; the instruction of King Lemuel’s mother; and the acrostic poem on the virtuous wife.

References Radmacher, Earl D, Th.D (2007) NKJV Study Bible, 2nd Ed.

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