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On-Campus Assault Case Study

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On March 31st 2024 at approximately 6:00 pm, Officer Adam Jackson conducted an investigation in relation to a Trespassing.

I reviewed camera footage from campus security cameras and discovered Xenaria Alston, who had been criminally trespassed from all College of Coastal Georgia properties, had come back on campus. On March 17th 2024 at approximately 10:38 pm, Xenaria was found to have returned to campus. Xenaria was identified using the facial recognition capabilities of the campus security camera system. Xenaria was seen walking through Floor 1 Hallway 1 of Lakeside Village Dormitory walking with her friend Jamaya Hicks. An unidentified male can be heard on audio recorded by the camera saying, "wait for Xenaria".

Xenaria was previously arrested for being the offender in an on-campus assault along with Jamaya (C24-00934). This assault occurred on February 17th, 2024 and on this date Xenaria was advised of the criminal trespass and the fact she was banned from the dorms as well as all College of Coastal Georgia properties.

Prior to March 17th 2024, I spoke with Xenaria twice and both times I confirmed she understood she was banned from campus and the dorms. …show more content…
While speaking with Xenaria, I explained the nature of the trespass, and how she could not be on any CCGA property, including in the dorms, cafeteria, or classrooms. During our conversation, Xenaria said she had also been told by resident hall director Jaquan Doby, who had also advised Xenaria she could not be in any college dormitory. While speaking about Xenaria being banned from campus, she mentioned that multiple other people who have been trespassed disregarded the warning and continue to come on campus regularly and stay in the dorms. Prior to concluding this visit, it was explained that Xenaria will be arrested if she returns to

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