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Opportunity Cost


Submitted By skatenni
Words 422
Pages 2
Opportunity cost, from an economics perspective, is the value of the alternative that must always be sacrificed to obtain a good or service. All sane people have unlimited wants which they try to satisfy with the limited resources of the world. Limited resources lead to scarcity, which then lead people to weigh their alternatives and make choices. In the end, no matter which choice they make, it will always leave behind a cost, an opportunity cost. Basically, with the resource of time, humans engage in activities, but for those activities chosen there is a cost, or a trade-off of having possibly invested that time in some other activity. Say for example you choose to spend one hour studying for a test instead of exercising; you gave up one hour of working out but gained one hour of study or vise versa. For resources used to produce capital or consumer goods there exists also trade-offs of having possibly used those resources for one or multiple other uses. As you can imagine there exists a pattern when dealing with opportunity cost. The law of increasing relative cost states that: as an economy or society focuses on producing more of one good, the opportunity cost of making supplementary units of that good typically increase as well. For example, I have two distinct video games; one has five levels and the other one has a maximum score of 300 points. If I play the first one for five hours and don’t play the second video game I will reach level five in the first one and obviously get zero points in the second one. Now if play the first game for only four hours and the second game for one hour, I will get 100 points, but only reach level 4 in the first game. If now I play game one for only three hours and game two for two hours I will make it to level three of the first game but now only have gotten 180 points in game two. The levels get harder as I progress through

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