Premium Essay



Submitted By khanmuz
Words 389
Pages 2
9/17/2012 Exp.#1 Fractional Distillation of Ether from 1,2-Dimethoxyethane & Gas Chromatography
Objective: -Fractionally distill a mixture of ethyl ether and 1,2-dimethoxy-ethane -Various fractions are collected and plots of temperature versus volume of distillate is made -To make a comparison between the three types of column packing materials used Equations: none
Properties: The physical properties of the reactants and products are the same. They are both clear and are liquid.
1. A fractional distillation apparatus was set up using one of the packing materials (copper ribbon, 6mm glass beads, or raschig rings).
2. Sixty milliliters of Ethyl Ether: 1,2- Dimethoxy Ethane and two or three boiling stones were placed into a distilling flask.
3. The flask was heated using the heating mantle at a begging power of sixty percent.
4. The mixture was distilled at a rate of one to two drops per second.
5. During the distillation the temperature was recorded for every one to two milliliters of distillate collected, in a ten milliliter graduated cylinder.
6. After every five milliliters the distillate was collected in labeled screw cap vials.
7. Gas Chromatography was then done on the collection of distillates.
8. Three of the fractions collected were analyzed (the first fraction collected, the last fraction collected, and a fraction during the rapid increase in temperature.
9. The sample is loaded into a syringe and injected into the GC.
10. When the syringe was inserted the plunger was quickly pressed then pressed start on the integrator.
11. We left the syringe in the GC for at least 15 seconds and then removed it.
12. The running time for each fraction was at least three minutes.

Data and Results:

Conclusion: The objective was accomplished in this experiment, because

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Organic Food

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