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Origami Owl


Submitted By silkyyin
Words 2514
Pages 11
Origami Owl; a Customizable Locket Line
Author: Silky Rosales
MGT 450: Strategic Planning for Organizations
Instructor: Charles Jarrell
Date: August 30, 2013

Most recently I was talked into joining Origami Owl. I learned about the company through a coworker who invited me to a “Jewelry Bar” in her home. Origami Owl is a line of fashionable and meaningful jewelry that is unique to each customer who creates it. Currently, there are over 40, 000 Independent Designers and the company started only two years ago. My reason for joining was really to just start a collection of my own at a discounted price. The party was quite fun, it was relaxed and everyone was very welcoming to me. After sitting through the presentation and watching the women just fall in love with the pieces, I thought to myself how easy the money was to be made.
The company was founded in October 2010 by a then 14 year old who wanted to buy a car when she turned 16. Bella’s parents made a deal with her. If she wanted to create a business and earn the money, they would match her investment. With $350 in babysitting earnings and the $350 matched by her parents, she invested in some clear lockets. Bella hoped to earn enough to buy an old truck-$3,000 to $6,000 but, it became apparent that she could earn so much more with her new business. She decided that selling customizable jewelry to her friends and family was how she was going to earn the money and found that it was a hot commodity. Bella’s in home, after school jewelry business took off and she opened a retail shop in her home town and it had record breaking sales. After that, it was decided to launch a Direct Sales division. Fast forward to August 2013 and nearly 40,000 Independent Designers and a brand new Jeep for Bella!
Their Mission Statement is the following: “Our mission is to be a force for good; to love, inspire + motivate women

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