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Oskar Schindler's List Essay

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Schindler’s List: A true masterpiece of cinematography rated number 8 on the Top 100 American Films of all time, recipient of over 20 awards and nominated for over 35. Schindler’s List is debatably one of the overall best films of the 20th century. Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Brisbane Film Festival for 2015.

Schindler’s List was released in 1993 produced by legendary director Steven Spielberg and is a film about the horrors the Jewish people faced during the late 30s and early 40s, mainly focussing on the Holocaust and the part Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, played in freeing and saving over one thousand Jewish lives. Oskar Schindler starts off as a wealthy business owner and entrepreneur who is an acclaimed member of the Nazi Party at the beginning of the film who is interested in making more money for himself. He purchases an Enamelware factory in Kraców with the help of Itzhak Stern, a local Jewish official, who has contacts with black marketeers and the Jewish business community. With the help of Stern and the business …show more content…
Schindler is originally a Nazi supporter, though not a ‘final solution’ supporter, but as he experiences the ever worsening horrors of the Holocaust and what the Nazi party is capable of, he changes his way of thinking and his actions. Stern, being a Jew himself, condemns the actions of the Nazi party from the beginning, but changes his opinion towards Schindler over the course of the film. Goeth’s anti-Semitic feeling is ever-present throughout the entire film, except towards his house maid, who he is reluctant to sell to Schindler because he wants to take her to Vienna and grow old with her. This personal conflict is ongoing during the course of the film and never really changes, but Helen is sold to Schindler in the end after he tells Goeth that their love cannot

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